chapter 21

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Harrys pov

Ivy walks to me and I go to her level. "What's wrong?" she rubs her eyes. "I'm tired" I lift her up and I bring her to mine and nialls room.

Niall follows me and we also lay down. "Those people are really nice" Ivy says.

Niall already fell asleep so Ivy turns to me. "Why did you pick me?" She asks soft.

"Niall hasn't been okay in a very long time and than I saw him playing with you and I thought I need this kid! She's a miracle just like niall is" she starts to smile really hard.

"Thank you for that" I smile and give her a soft kiss on the forehead. She falls asleep not much later and I go back to the lads.

"Where's niall?" Zayn asks. "Where's Ivy?" Lilly asks. "Both sleeping" they oh and we watch some TV.

I wanna buy our own house. Just for me, niall and Ivy. I grab my laptop and start looking around mostly in Ireland. Louis comes next to me and looks at me sad.

"Why you looking houses?" He asks. "Cus for the time we don't have to work I wanna life with Niall after you know" he smiles and sighs in relief.

"I thought you both quiet" I shake my head laughing. "Af course not! Niall kills me" we both burst out laughing and I see a beautiful not so big house.

"Why Ivy?" Louis asks. "Niall pointed at her, he went to her and I was looking around. I saw the old niall coming back. She was playing with niall when I heard she was there for 3 months I couldn't let her sit down"

Louis smiles and point at the house. "Don't buy it! It's my present for you guys" I smile and he just buys it.

"You're a crazy man Louis William Tomlinson!" I tell him. We laugh and than I hear liam saying "we are going to Ireland sooner next week we're in Ireland!"

"Louis and I have to go than!" I tell them. We run out the apartment and I go to jewelry store. I buy a beautiful ring for us.

Next week
Nialls pov

The world knows about Ivy and I have gained 3 pounds so I'm in a good way. I am back to singing and we're in Ireland. Ivy loves us both and we hug alot!

We're on stage and we're practicing. Tonight I'm singing on stage for the first time again.

Later on stage
Nialls pov

We're just messing around a bit and than Harry asks everyone to be silent for a little.

"So everyone know niall how much I love you right?" Everyone cheers again. "Okay okay so everyone knows that and to prove my love to you nialler I have a question for you"

He makes me stand up and the others are still sitting down. I stand infront of him and he goes down on 1 knee. "Niall James horan you've made me the happiest man that there possibly is and will you make me even more happy by answering my question?"

"Niall James horan will you marry me?" "YESSSS" I jump in his arms and he puts this beautiful ring around my finger.

Months later
Harrys pov

We are very happy together and the lads are happy too!

The end

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