chapter 14

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Nialls pov

The doctor helps me back in bed even tho I don't want her. I just turn my back to them.

I feel a hand making circles around my back. "Niall if you don't gain 10 pounds in 2 months you have to go to a clinc" I hear Harry telling me.

I turn to them but I don't say a word. I just wanna see harrys beautiful eyes. I look at him and he smiles at me.

"Nialler I really love you and I need you okay? So please don't try to walk out my life again and screw everyone who says you're weird and stuff! Cus so what? I love the weird and crazy Niall! I miss that niall. I hate to think it's my fault and I know it's not but sometimes it feels like it's all my fault and when I just look at you I see the most beautiful men in my life and I just can't loose him cus he has an eating disorder!" Harry tells me with tears in his eyes.

"And that niall is sorry for leaving you. He thought he could fix himself but he couldn't and he just wants to be with his best mates. He hoped you'd come sooner and he layed on the couch every night for if the doorbell went off. He never wanted to jump of that roof he just wanted to think about how he's a screw up and how Harry and everyone else deserves better" they smile at us.

Harrys pov

I should have known that cus he did that in the first album too! "Sorry we didn't believe that" I say. "I mean I should have known cus you did that a lot in our first album"

They all remember now. "We can't preform tonight" zayn says. We get food and I keep looking at Niall who just plays with the food.

"Niall" Liam says. He looks up and nods. "Yeah?" He asks. "Eat it or Harry will push it in your mouth" Louis says a bit strict. He tries to eat everything but at the halfway he's full already.

Everyone slowly falls asleep and I just can't. Niall looks at me. "Niall you still wanna be my boyfriend right?" I ask him. He smiles and blows me a kiss. "Yes I'd love that!" He answers me.

He falls asleep and I'm so happy I can say narry is back on the road. I'm not let anyone take away my man again! I'm not letting him go!

Next day
Zayns pov

I scroll on Twitter and see how bad people feel for niall. All the pictures of yesterday at his house are thrown online.

Everyone thinks niall looks bad. They all wanna help him. I throw a tweet online.

If you get food to the show tonight we will make sure nialler is coming too! Throw the food on stage! You know what he likes

I tweet. The others wake up slowly but niall is still sleeping. "We are taking niall with us tonight! Look at twitter" they look and gives me a smile.

"We will push it in his mouth" Liam says with a smile. Niall wakes up too. "You wanna come tonight to the show?" Niall nods with a smile. "You don't have to sing but I think the fans would love that"

"I'll see there" niall answers. We check out and than again paps are here but niall has harrys hand. We go to where we preform tonight and I see Liam typing something.

I look on my phone and see that Liam also tweeted something.

We will do little things! You guys all know nialls part, we will go silence and you guys sing his part to let him know you support him!

I smile at him and nod. We practice a bit and eat. Louis pushes it nialls mouth what makes us laugh.

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