chapter 18

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Zayns pov

I can see it hits Harry everytime we talk about either niall or how much he has lost.

I slowly grab his hand as a friend. He first looks at me confused but then he nods. "Your welcome" I mouth.

"Zayn your holding harrys hand is that for a special reason? Like are you 2 dating?" We shake our heads.

"No I know how much Harry is hurting we all hold his hand sometimes. We lads can hold each other's hand couple or not" I say.

"True! It was nice to have you lads here! You're the best but I think you should go to niall"

Lillys pov

We check on niall but he fell asleep on the couch. We just watch TV on my bed.

"Lilly?" Finn asks and I look at him. "Yeah?" I answer. "I love you" that moment walks niall in. "That's cute and disgusting at the same time. Can you 2 get some food? I don't wanna go outside" we both laugh and go to the supermarket.

"What does he want for food?" Finn asks. "Everything but fruit and vegetables"

We buy some food and go back than. The others are already back. "You 2 are the best!" Dad says. We look at the couch but niall fell asleep again.

"Did he sleep whole afternoon?" Harry asks worried. "Most of the time yeah" finn answers. Harry wakes him up gently. "Niall love if you sleep now you can't sleep tonight"

"But I'm tired" he answers tiredly. "Liam is gonna make soup" niall sneeze and coughs. "I think I'm gonna die soon" niall says coughing again.

Harry just layes nialls head on his shoulder. "I'm gonna get you a fever harry" niall says. "I don't care" Harry answers. "You sure?" Niall asks.
"A 100%" niall smiles and Liam makes soup.

After a while we can all eat liams soup and it's okay. Niall doesn't eat it all maybe for the best cus he will throw up.

Nialls pov

This soup is disgusting but I'm not telling Liam that. "I'm not hungry anymore" "that's okay long as you don't throw up it's fine" Liam says.

I walk to the bedroom and just lay down. Harry walks in with a chocolate bar. "Thank you" I say smiling.

"We are never let Liam make soup again" Harry says and I agree. We share the chocolate and I fall asleep again.

Harrys pov

He's cute and handsome! He's definitely mine. I planned something out. I wanna ask him to marry me in Ireland and in his home place but I need to get the bless of Greg his brother and his dad.

Niall fell asleep and I first call Greg and he's happy that I wanna do it. His dad took a bit more convincing but I did it. Both of their blesses now to the boys.

"When are we in Ireland again?" I ask them. "Next month why?" Louis asks suspicious. "Not telling anyone" I answer.

I have waited a long time for doing this! When I'm there I will asking him on stage and just hope he's gonna say yes. If he doesn't is it fine too but I will do it anyway.

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