chapter 16

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Nialls pov

"Have you talked to him?" Zayn asks. "No not really yet" I answer him.

"So something totally different! James wants to have a carpool karaoke with just niall will we let him or not?" Liam says. Now it's like I'm a prisoner.

"Niall can you do that you think?" Harry asks. James always makes me laugh so I nod yes. "Tomorrow you have a date with James corden than nialler" Louis says happy.

Next day
Nialls pov

I go to James and we talk a little and af course we also sing! "So how much did you loose?" He asks.

"Almost 25 pounds and it's not good I know that for sure" he looks at me.
"I mean I wish I could do that! So the boys gave me homework" I see him grabbing a back.

"Why do people always food bring? Like yesterday I was on stage just not singing and people suddenly threw food at stage"

James looks at me in total shock. "You haven't been on socials lately?" He asks. "No I haven't" I answer him.

He grabs his phone and shows me the tweets of the lads. "That explains a lot" I say.

"Niall do you now get hate cus you left the band for your own good?" I nod.

"Yesterday me and Harry went for a walk and this group of girls came to us. They talked bad about me and I just walked of Harry handled with them"

"Well we are going on the street and ask people how they are and if they're not fine you'll talk to them" we first laugh and than we actually do it.

Most people are fine and they give me food. "Hello can we ask you something?" I ask happy. "You just did but sure"

"How are you today" we see a woman and a daughter. "We're fine. How are you" "he ain't be okay mum that's niall horan the band member of 1D who everyone thought was dead" the daughter says. It makes me laugh a little.

"Well I'm definitely not dead yet!" I say a bit laughing. "I'm happy to see that you're me favourite band member! Besides Harry af course"

"That's really nice to hear sometimes" I smile at the girl and we take a picture. After a bit we go back in the car. I did get a lot of love today also I got hate.

He drives me to the hotel and we go to the door. I got 5 bags with food! All full!

We get inside and I'm so tired to be honest. I thought I could do it but I just can't. I lay down on the couch and Harry lifts gently me head up.

He lays it down on his lab again. I look at his eyes and I just realise how much I missed him. I'm not letting him go anymore. Not even if I'm at my worst.

He just is the best and wanted to help me.

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