chapter 8

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Next day
Nialls pov

I wake up and I have a blanket over my body. I hear some footsteps so I look up. It's Liam but I just can't stand him right now.

"Morning" he says. He makes tea and I just sit up. "I know a sorry won't help but tea might does?" He comes to me and gives me tea.

"I'm sorry I made jokes about it, you have all the right to be mad at me and I promise I won't joke about it anymore" I look at him. "Sorry I over reacted yesterday" he opens his arm and I hug him.

"You didn't over react that's something I promise you niall" I smile at Liam. We never ever are mad at each other for a long time.

The other lands come downstairs including Lilly. "Niall can we talk?" Harry asks  I nod and me and Harry go to an other room.

"I saw you went to sleep on the couch" he says. We're in Louis room and he sits on his bed. "I fought that you didn't want me with you anymore since you know" I show him me hands.

"Well I missed you" he gives me a kiss on my lips. Zayn runs in and looks at us. "We have an interview in 4 hours and it's a 3 hours drive you really wanna make out now? Well we have to leave? In Louis room?" We look at the time and than at each other. "No we just kissed" I say a little defensive.

"Calm down niall. Anyway we're leaving Lilly is coming too btw! She's going world wide too today so it might not going to be all about you anymore" zayn says. "Thanks" I give him a smile and we go downstairs.

We grab our things and we leave. We get in the car and I'm just so tired lately. I know why but it's not fun!

Harrys pov

He's tired again! He like just woke up for my feeling! Lilly teaches us some Dutch!

"Ik hou van jou means I love you!" We all try but it's suck! "How do you understand?" Liam asks when he doesn't get it right. Niall did get it perfect. He's so good at learning new languages!

He likes that a lot and he's teaching me how to play guitar. "Ik hou van jou" Niall tells me. "I love you to"

We arrive at the interview and I'm nervous cus me and niall are gonna come out as narry!

Also I really wanna go on 1 knee soon for him. So he knows I love him! He has to know so I will go soon but not today. Not yet!

We do some make up and we get new clothes. Even lilly gets a total make over. They straight her hair what makes her beautiful.

"Lou won't be happy" I tell her with a grin. "I know that's why I do it!" She answers me and we laugh.

We go to the interview room and we sit down. Niall sits on the seat rest next to me. We start the interview and Lou indeed keeps looking at Lilly. Oh he's so mad.

She does look good! Niall looks the best af course! We start and she goes on about our album and Lilly and than the moment comes where niall has been so nervous about.

"Niall is it true what Simon said? That's your gay?" "It is! And I think I'm having the most supportive band mates and mates in the world but also I have this best boyfriend in the world who keeps me alive right now" I look at him. Honestly I didn't know it was that bad!

"Really for how long?" This woman is super supportive what I really love right now. "Since live while we're young! That's when we first kissed. I don't let him know so much but I love him and I really hope he knows"

I smile at him. "Believe me he knows and he's very proud!" The woman starts to notice and gasps. "You 2 are?" She says excited. We nod and laugh a little. She turns to the lads. "You guys knew this right?" They nod happy.

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