chapter 15

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Nialls pov

I can't even take a bit or Lou just pushes the next thing in my mouth. "Can I try to eat" i try to ask but its not making sense anymore.

Lou stops and I start to chew like a normal person. After a while they're done with practicing and than the show starts.

I sit in the back on stage and honestly I'm comfortable looking at the best mates in my life.

"Are we having a good time?" Louis asks to the people and everyone yells and screams. I look at the people and suddenly people throw food.

It isn't even 1 person it's almost everyone! "Thank you guys! Everyone we wanna thank everyone for the support you all have given us the past year! We mostly wanna thank you for supporting niall!" Zayn says. Me and Liam can barely move so we both just sit.

"Niall this one is for you!" Liam says. They come sit with me and they start to sing little things and I'm not in the mood to sing yet. The boys stop at my piece and the whole audience starts to sing really loud.

I grab my mic after they're done. "I wanna say thank you guys and I love to be back on stage but I won't sing yet" I say and everyone cheers.

After the concert go to a hotel and I go to the rooftop. I sit down and look at the city. Its beautiful with the golden hour.

I see 2 legs next to me and it sits down. "I got you food!" I look besides me and see lilly. "Is that boy from the hospital your boyfriend?" I ask with a smile. "Yeah but dad doesn't know and he can't know! He will murder finn in cold blood!"

I look at her and realise she said dad. "You called him dad?" I ask. "Yeah I do it since 2 months now" she says proud.

"He deserves that" I tell her. "My mom is Florence now" she says happy. "She seems nice" I tell her. "She's the best mum ever!"

"We should go back inside I think. Louis will kill me if he finds out" we laugh and go back. "You okay nialler?" Liam asks.

I eat the chips that lilly gave me. I nod and look at Liam. I'm not okay I feel like throwing up.

Harry looks at me. "Bub can we take a walk together?" Harry asks. "Okay I like that"

I grab his hand and we go outside. "I sat on the rooftop" I say. "What were you thinking of?" He looks at me.

"How I got all this. It started with the X-factor, our first album and than us and than us again and than how suck I am at gaining weight and maybe the most important thing is you guys are!" I tell him.

He just kisses me and I just can't control it and I kiss him back. "Never ever go than okay?" He asks. "I won't"

A group of girls walk towards us and they at me with a bitch face 😒 like this!

"Why did you take him back? He broke up with you" one of the girls says. "And now we're back together" he says defending.

I love him so much. "So he broke up with you! He was selfish and you can deserve better" that really hits me and I let Harry go. "He's fat too" I just run back to the hotel.

Harrys pov

I look at niall who ran of and text the lads that they should look for niall. "Can we take a picture now?" I look at this bitch.

"No I don't think we can! Did you ever noticed that he lost 25 pounds in 3 months time something you can't! Now I usually treat people with kindness but you broke my boyfriend so no I won't take a picture with you" I walk back to the hotel and niall is crying in zayns arms.

"I told her you can loose 25 pounds in 3 months and she can't" he laughs again. Just a little that I can laugh too.

"She asked seriously for a picture with me after what she said! I didn't do it she's a bitch" I say and we all laugh. "Nialler she's just jealous that you can pull Harry and you can loose 25 pounds in 3 months. Last one isn't something to be proud of tho but you can!" Louis says holding niall on the otherside of him.

He says something but no one can understand it very well. "What did you say niall?" Liam asks. "That your the best big brothers and boyfriend I can have besides Greg he's also the best big bro" we laugh and agree on it.

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