chapter 7

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Nialls pov

Harry is shaking really bad. Lou sees it and takes it over from him. "I am sorry haz" I say. He looks at me not angry but he does look really sad.

Bandage goes around my hand. I think I'll sleep on the couch tonight. Harry hates me now! I won't blame him I mean why would he still love me?

I don't deserve Harry. "Niall look at us" Louis says a strict. I look up and Harry is crying in zayns arms. I can tell that they all wanna cry.

Great they all wanna cry and it's my fault! They all hate me! Louis grabs my head so I see his face. "That kinda hurts" I say.

"Don't care! You're not gonna hurt yourself! In no way! You're like a little bro to us and harrys boyfriend and we love you so you're not hurting yourself! Screw Simon and everyone who hates us!" Lou tells me. I can give them a little smile.

Harrys pov

I look how angry Louis is. I know it but he won't shown it. I'm just crying in zayns arms.

"Don't care! You're not gonna hurt yourself! In no way! You're like a little bro to us and harrys boyfriend and we love you so you're not hurting yourself! Screw Simon and everyone who hates us!" I hear Lou than saying. I look up and see a little smile on nialls face.

The lads leave so it's just me and niall. I lay next to him and he's still a little shaky.

"Sorry haz" he says while turning to me. I open my arms so he comes into my chest. I have no shirt on anymore. He comes against me and he's freezing.

I feel his forehead but it's normal. "Niall you're freezing" I say. "It's normal" an part of loosing weight is that you get it cold fast and you're tired a lot. Well niall is it both.

"You're not eating again aren't?" I ask him. "I eat normal" he answers. He lays the way I don't see his face. It's smart but annoying now I can't see if he is lying or not.

"You're just really warm" he says than. I laugh and give him a kiss in his hair. "Why are you laughing?" I give him an other kiss.

"It was the first thing you said to me when we hugged" he turns around and looks at me with his big blue eyes.

He smiles at me. "I definitely don't remember it like that" he answers me. "Than how do you remember it?"

"You asked my why I was so cold and I told you you were hot!" We both laugh and I nod. "Okay" he stands up and at I look at him.

"Bub where are you going?" I ask him. "Oh uh I'm gonna look how the boys are" I can tell he's lying but it doesn't matter cus I can't tell him not he won't listen. He walks out the room.

3 am
Harrys pov

Niall still didn't come back and I heard footsteps but everytime it's not niall. I go downstairs and he's not there. Dang it!

I run outside but not out there. I go back inside and he is asleep, on the couch with his thumb stuck in his mouth like a little baby.

I go upstairs and grab a blanket. I put it over him and I walk upstairs when I bump in to someone. "Jeez!" I say a little soft.

"Oh sorry I didn't mean to wake you up" I hear lillys voice saying soft. "Well I was worried about niall but he's sleeping on the couch. What about you?"

"I had a bad dream" I see her looking down. "Well niall is asleep on the couch and I wouldn't wake up any of the other lads. You can stay with me if you want?"

"Yeah sure" We go to my room and we lay down. "Is Niall going to be okay?" She than asks. "I definitely hope so but it's not your fault he's just not himself lately"

"I hate Simon for what he did to niall" Lilly says. "So do i" I answer her. I bite my nails a little but she makes sure I stop and we both fall asleep.

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