chapter 20

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Nialls pov

Me and Harry walk to the room where we sign the papers. "You first niall" I look at him confused cus the first person who signs will be the legal parent and me and Harry aren't married yet.

"But than you're just her bonus dad" Harry looks at me kinda strict. "Niall I saw you with that adorable girl! You sign besides if we ever get married she has both of our names" he grabs the pen out of my hand and writs my names down first than after that his own.

We go to the room where she's done packing. I look at her suitcase and it's almost empty. It has maybe if we're lucky 2 sets of clothes and the 1 she's wearing so 3.

"We need to go to the mall first" Harry says. Ivy smiles weak and I look at her. "What's wrong?" Harry asks her but she shrugs.

We walk out and I hold Ivy's hand tight. People are screaming and trying to touch us and it's annoying.

We get in the car Harry drives and I sit next to him. Ivy fell asleep and I look at him.

"I'm gonna spoil her" I tell him. "We will buy her tons of 1D merchandise I promise you that!" We laugh and Ivy has her thumb in her mouth.

It's cute and adorable at the same time. "Let's go to the mall!" Harry says. I look at him confused.

"I can use some new hoodies and clothes you can too and let's be honest you saw that suitcase too she needs clothes too" Harry says. I can't disagree on everything he says.

We put on some music and Ivy wakes up. "Who are these man who sing this?" We have live while we're young on.

"It's us!" I say happy. "Cool where we going" she still has her thumb in her mouth so it's sounds cute.

"Buy some clothes I mean I need hoodies niall keeps steeling them from me. You see his hoodie he's wearing?" Ivy nods and Harry points at himself. "He stole it so I need a new one and you need clothes too"

Ivy's pov

These boys are crazy. My parents didn't have money and I got bullied on school for that! 3 months ago my teacher found out and I got sended to the orphanage. I didn't go to school anymore I got home schooled.

I'm not used to get new clothes I mean I don't have money for that! I giggle and they laugh.

We arrive at the mall and girls try to touch them and they scream just like in the orphanage. It gets a bit quieter when we get in. It was lots of girls.

"I told you Ivy headache when they scream" niall tells me and I laugh. "It does hurt a little" I answer.

I grab their hands what scares niall first but than he looks and sees its me so it's fine.

Harrys pov

I'm so glad we picked this kid! She makes niall going back to the old weird niall I first met.

We buy some clothes and I see Ivy staring in the window from the candy shop. "Come on we're going in" I tell also hoping niall sees something he wants.

We get in and Ivy's eyes are so big she doesn't know where to look and I stare at them both. They're the best both of them! Niall is super hot in the new sweater he bought. I'm definitely stealing that one!

I get a call and I pick up. "Harry where the hell are you guys?" Oh right I forgot to tell the lads we went to the mall after we got a kid. "In the mall" I answer.

"Well we're here waiting to meet a little kid! Hurry up!" It's on the speaker I think cus I can hear everyone. Zayn called me tho.

"We come as soon as we're done" I say. "Hurry up" I hear Liam saying. Zayn hangs up and I see them already paying. We have a lot now and we decide to go home now.

Niall now sits in the back with Ivy and she leans to niall. It's cute and they talk. We arrive at the hotel we will go home when we left Ireland.

We get in the room and everyone says very loud "surprise" what makes niall and Ivy grab their ears. "Outside wasn't that bad compared with this!" Ivy says and niall whispers something.

"Everyone meet Ivy our kid!" I say excited. Everyone introduce themselves and greet Ivy.

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