chapter 17

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Harrys pov

James stayed for a little. I can tell niall is tired. "Wanna go to bed love?" I ask him. "No" he answers me.

After not even 10 minutes Zayn looks at niall. "He's asleep" zayn says. James went home.

We can lift him now so Liam does that. He brings niall to bed and I just follow them. He lays niall gentle down and I lay next to him.

I really want him to be me husband but I don't think niall is ready for that or what if he doesn't wanna marry yet.

"Do you think it's not just his hate but also his OCD?" Louis asks.

He has ocd what means he has some tics like he has to breath in for 4 seconds and he breaths out 4 seconds before he goes on stage. He also has to do the same songs in the same order. The most funny I think is the one where he has a plate with chips and a burger. He will always eat the chips first and he leaves the burger for the end.

When he doesn't do it like that he gets stressed out. I look at him and I nod yes. "It's possible" I say. We all fall asleep.

Next day
Nialls pov

How did I get in bed? I fell asleep on harrys lab? I just get up and everything still hurts from the accident. I go to the room where we can all sit. Louis is already there making pancakes.

"Morning" he says. I kinda have to throw up so I run to the bathroom and I throw up. Why is it always me?

I go back to lou and he looks at me. "You okay?" I shake me head. "No I didn't mean to throw up but I did and I don't feel well" he walks to me and feels me head. "You have a fever again"

"Just lay down this time" he says. I sit on the couch and louis gives me a blanket. He makes me tea and I everyone comes inside.

"Nialler is having a fever" lou says. "So this time you are resting?" Zayn asks. "Yes" I answer looking down.

Louis pov

We keep saying he has to lay down and should not run away like last time but I can see niall doesn't like it.

"Okay let's just stop about last time" I say as a warning. Niall smiles at me and i smile back. "You're welcome" I mouth.

"I'm bored" oh now we get this niall. "Niall go to sleep and watch some TV we have an interview. Lilly can look after niall?" Harry asks. "Sure!" We smile and leave.

"You think we can trust them alone?" Zayn asks wise. "No but we have to" I answer.

Nialls pov

"You can invite that lad from the hospital over" she smiles and I turn on the TV. Not much later the lad comes.

"Oh uh we haven't been introduced yet! I'm finn wolfhard" he says. "I wanna shake your hand but I have a fever so i can't but I'm niall horan" "Oh get better soon"

"Hey lilly before your dad is gonna murder me please keep the door open" I ask her. "Sure" they both walk of laughing and I watch the interview.

Harrys pov

We arrive get ready and sit in the chairs. We start the interview. "So we saw pictures of niall back on the streets is it true?" I smile and I just can't stop.

"He is back yeah! He is still struggling and he wanted to be here but he has a fever so he had to stay in the hotel" Louis says.

"And you all have stitches what happend? Liam you walk with stools?" "We had a car crash. Me and niall had an operation. The others were besides the stitches fine" Liam says.

"Was it your fault Louis?" We burst out laughing. "No I am a very decent driver" lou says and we laugh even harder. "No Liam was driving but the other car hit us" zayn tells.

"So is it nice to have niall back?" We start all to smile. "Well for us he is like this little brother and than for Harry his boyfriend. It really hurts us all when he is hurting and we love niall so much. We are happy he's back he just isn't well yet so we don't know when he's gonna sing again"

"We saw some pictures of niall and he lost a lots of pounds didn't he?" We nod and I don't smile anymore. "25" I answer her a bit sad but I don't wanna show-off.

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