chapter 10

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Liams pov

Say what now? I take niall over from the man and I text the others.
"I wasn't thinking of jumping" Niall says very angry.

We walk to the room and Harry hugs niall but niall pushes him away. "I don't want a hug" he says angry as he walks to the bathroom door. Zayn locked it cus niall can't get in.

"Niall just lay here the night" I try to tell him. He shakes his head.

Nialls pov

I need a break! I just want a break from my life and a break from Harry. It hurts when I think about even getting a break from Harry!

I need a break from the band too. I hurts a lot to tell them but I just need a break.

"You were about to jump niall! I know it and you know it! Don't even dare to lie about it!" Liam says. Harry looks at me with a scared and worried face.

"You what now?" Louis asks angry. "Give me a focking break please!" I yell at them all. I grab my hair in total stress and I feel 2 arms around me.

It's Harry I can feel that. I push him away slowly. "I just want a break from everything right now" I say slowly again.

Harry looks at me with tears. He knows I am also meaning a break between us.

"Okay we leave you 2 for a bit" zayn says and they walk out.

"Niall please don't I need you here with me and please don't break up with me now" he says with tears in his eyes.

"Please? I need tha! I need a break from everything! You can't date me right now Harry! Look at me? I wanted to jump of that roof I need help!" I tell him and he burst out crying.

I can't see it anymore and I walk out. I see the other lads and Lilly. I walk out as fast as I can with tears in my eyes. I decide to go to my house in Ireland. I bought it once and now I can just be their for a little.

Harrys pov

The other lads walk in and I don't see where niall is! Louis hugs me tight and the others join us.

"Harry he'll come back" zayn says repeating. "He didn't even tell me where he went" I say and more and more tears run down my face.

"We will find out" Liam says. "What are we telling the people?" Louis asks wise. "The truth. He's going through some personal problems so he can't come to our shows" Liam says.

Everyone has tears in their eyes. I see it now. "I just hope he'll come back soon!"

3 months later
Harrys pov

I haven't heard anything from niall! It's 3 am and I'm sitting at the frontdoor hoping niall comes walking in.

Someone sits next to me and gives me tea. I look and it's Lilly.

"Is it my fault?" She asks. "What no?" I try to tell her but mostly myself. "Well it is I told him he's blind and I knew what he was going through"

On the socials is also no sign of Niall. Zayn runs downstairs. "I think I know where niall is!" He shows me a picture. "It's not niall" I say.

"Well you should get rest cus we have an interview today and we have a show" zayn says strict.

"What if he walks in?" I ask. "Harry I don't think he will" zayn answers me.

I go to bed and can't stop thinking about niall. He just walked out and it broke me.

Nialls pov

I haven't come out the house lately. It just got worse and I lost almost 25 pounds and that's to much.

I talk to a therapist cus Simon said I had to but I don't talk to her a lot. I do watch the lads their interviews. Harry has lost some pounds too.

Everything is my fault! I was being selfish and Harry suffers now. I turn on my TV and the interview is on.

"So is niall coming back anytime soon?" "We really hope so but we haven't heard anything from him in 3 months. He's off socials so we're really worried about him" Liam says.

"Niall if you're watching now please tell us that you're okay. We miss you and we want the best for you" Harry says with tears in his eyes.

"Also niall you better not be dead yet we need you! We really need you! So if you're dead give me a sign" Louis says strict. It makes me laugh a little.

Harry looks tired like usual by now.

After a bit the doorbell goes off and I look. I see Simon standing on my door. I can't handle him right now.

I open the door and he just walks in. "You have to come back to them" he says. "I'm not" I say and Simon looks at me.

He walks away again.

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