chapter 19

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Louis pov

Harry was a bit suspicious just a sec ago. He walks away smiling badly so I follow. "What's your plan mate?" I ask him. He looks at me and shakes his head. "Can't tell! Got to make a call" Harry walks out to a room and locks it?

What the hell? I listen to him talking. "Mate I need to ask you a question and it's important" Harry starts.
"So you are fine with it?" Someone taps me schouder.

I look around and see niall. "What are you doing mate?" He asks. "Nothing" I answer.

He rolls his eyes and Harry opens the door. "Niall hey" Harry says embarrassed and looks kinda mad at me. "I got tea!" Zayn calls. Thank god zayn.

We pack our stuff again and I sit down. Lilly lays her head on me shoulder and I lay me head on hers. Niall and Harry had sit down too.

"I'm happy that we're going to Ireland again" niall says.

Nialls pov

I see lilly and louis and I want that with a kid. It has to be a girl and younger, like 9 years old.

"I'm happy that we're going to Ireland again too!" Harry says. "I want a kid" I say as soft as possible like soft no one can hear me.

"Niall can we take a walk?" Harry suddenly asks. "Okay" I answer and we take a walk even tho I'm sick.

We grab our stuff and get out. "What did you say earlier?" He asks smiling. "I don't remember saying something" I say not looking but holding his hand.

"Something about a kid?" He asks smiling brighter. "Maybe" I mumble. "Well what if I wanted it to but younger than lilly?"

I look at him and smile. "A little younger would be nice yeah" I answer.

A week later
Nialls pov

I'm not sick anymore and me and Harry are getting a kid now. We're at the orphanage but we have maximum age 11. Harry talks a lot to lots of girls.

I just see this 1 girl. She has dark blond hair, these super brown eyes, glasses and her hair is long. Shes also a little tiny for her age I can't figure out how old she is but I tap harrys shoulder.

I haven't made me own conversation with someone yet. I'm still scared they jugd me. "Go" Harry whispers. After lilly the first time I'm scared I don't know it's stupid.

I walk towards the girl and just sit next to her. I notice she's skinny and now I get how the lads could be so worried about me.

"Hello?" She asks. "Hello" I just answer. "My name is Ivy" she says. "Well I'm niall nice to meet ya" I say. I see Harry just looking at us he does smile.

"All the other girls are screaming at you guys" she simply says. "That's why I came to you" she turns to me confused.

"Why?" "Cus all screaming girls give me a big headache" she giggles. "How old are you?" I ask her. "I'm 9" she tells me. "Why are you here?" I ask her but she doesn't answer what is totally fine. Harry just disappeared.

Harrys pov

I walk to the worker of this place and point at the girl that niall is talking to. "Oh that's Ivy she is very shy" I could tell that. The worker smiles.

"She's here for 3 months, her parents couldn't take care of her. They didn't abuse her just you know were like really poor and couldn't afford things" I see niall and the girl just playing something stupid with their hands.

"Is that your husband?" She asks.
"Oh uh no boyfriend" I answer. "He seems like a good person" I smile looking at them.

She's as long here as niall was gone. "I want Ivy" I say. "Okay I get the papers you tell them" I walk to them.

"Hello" I say and she waves. "I'm Harry and that's me boyfriend niall. We have some news cus you should get your stuff and than we can go. We still have to sign some papers but you're adopted!" She jumps around of happiness.

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