chapter 13

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Finns pov

I know she didn't tell yet but I do know those guys. I met Lilly by Noah who is in school with her.

She told us a lot about how she misses niall and how she struggles with things.

"Are they gonna be fine?" I ask a bit worried. "We don't know it's not like doctors ever tell the truth" Louis says kinda annoyed.

"What do you mean Lou?" Zayn asks. "Take the fact everyone! Niall doesn't wanna be helped! The doctor said he'd be fine in a few weeks but than again their wrong! Guess what they're always wrong" Louis walks out even tho they see it hurts.

Zayns pov

He isn't over reacting. I know what it is about! His mum, the doctors said she'd be fine too and they could help her but they never could.

Florence follows him and we stay behind. Perrie lays next to me and Finn lays next to Lilly.

I just hope the others are okay. We really need niall back cus we miss him and we want him back! He's part of us and he doesn't even know it.

"Babe?" I look at perrie. "Why is your eyes watering?" She asks. "What if they don't make it?" I ask.
Everyone looks at me.

"Don't you dare zayn" Harry says with even more tears in his eyes. "But what if they won't?" I ask again.

"Don't zayn they'll make it! They have too! I need my boyfriend with me!" Harry says angry and sad at the same time.

Does he really think they can fix niall? In his state it would be a miracle so please let some miracle come. I pray just a little hoping it works.

After an other 4 hours they get in. Louis was already back but now Liam and niall get in.

"Can niall come next to me?" Harry asks. They place niall next to Harry and Liam next to me.

"So they're gonna be fine but niall has to go to an clinic for eating disorders" Harry starts to shake his head.

"No we will help him!" Harry says. "That's fine too but if he has not gained 10 pound in 2 months or he has to go to the clinic" we agree and we look at Niall and Liam who are sleeping.

"Told you" Harry says to me. "Focking hell mate my head hurts like shit" I turn around and see Liam is awake. "What happend?" Liam continues looking confused in the room.

"A car crash" Louis answers him. Harry doesn't even seem to care about Liam. He holds niall hands and it looks so cute.

"Good to have you back mate" Harry says soft. He talks to Liam so that's a good thing.

"You're not mad at me?" Liam asks to Harry. "No it wasn't your fault the other driver was just being reckless" we can all agree on that!

"My legs hurt" we hear a little voice saying. I recognize that accent in a million years! Niall has woken up!

We all sit straight up and look at Niall. "Welcome back to earth nialler" I say with a smile but he really can't smile about it.

"Why are we in a hospital?" He freaks out. He's scared of the hospital we all know it. He tries to stand up but Harry stops him.

"Love you need rest" Harry says. "I can't do that in the hospital!" He stumbles and when he finally stood up he fell again. I press my emergency button and the doctor runs in.

"What's wrong?" She asks in total stress. All I have to do it point at the niall who lays in pain on the ground.

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