Chapter 16: The Mountain's Guardian

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As Gandalf fought off the forces of Sauron at Dol Guldur and Thranduil was making negotiations with the young maiden, Bilbo was already inside the Mountain, knocking at a dragon's doorstep.

"H-Hello?" The hobbit whispered, only to be answered by a fearsome growl.

"Not at home." Bilbo joked to enlighten himself, taking his steps as cautiously as he can. Walking over at the ledge of the path he was standing on, he had his guard up in case, if ever, the dragon will attack. Looking over at the side, his eyes were met with the sight of a mountain of gold.

The famed treasure of the Dwarf kingdom of Erebor.

Stunned but straightening himself, Bilbo made his way down deeper into the Mountain, his feet clinking against gold coins. Every step he took was a sound, and if the dragon will wake up at any moment, he had those sounds and the hobbit to blame.

Bilbo was now picking through the gems. Confused as before, he had found many white stones but none caught itself the title of the Arkenstone.

"A large white jewel..." He repeated to himself again. "Very helpful."

Picking up a golden cup among the many treasures, he widened his eyes as the gold made way, only for him to see... the dragon.

Smaug the Terrible, the Mountain's Guardian, was now before him.

Scurrying to hide to a nearby pillar, he tried to regulate his breaths as they came out panted and short.

However, Smaug was now awakened, sensing one of his precious treasures have been stolen.

Putting on the Ring in haste, Bilbo got up slowly to face the guardian.

"Well, thief," the dragon boomed, his deep voice erupting from his throat. "I smell you, I hear your breath... I feel your air." He was now dangerously close to the burglar, and all Bilbo wanted to do was run off.

"Where are you...?" The dragon warned, his voice laced in acid.

Bilbo breathed in and out hardly, as Smaug leaned in close to his face. The hobbit made a run for it, jumping off to the nearest pillar. Within a hair's breadth, the dragon almost killed him.

"Come now.... Don't be shy." The dragon once again taunted, looking for any sign of the unknown thief. "Step into the light."

"Hmmm... There is... Something about you." Smaug slithered about, looking for the faintest trace. "Something you carry..." He taunted. "Something... made of gold."

Bilbo now looked up at the dragon towering before him.

"Something... far, more... precious."

Now Bilbo had seen the eye, something evil, and that fear made him take off the Ring while Smaug was just centimeters away from him. Once he had taken it off, Smaug snickered.

"There you are." He said dangerously. "Thief in the shadows."

If there was any good time to make an escape, it was now.

However, Bilbo was held under the dragon's intense gaze.

Remembering that dragons liked to speak to people in and with riddles, the hobbit slowly spewed out words. "I-I did not come to steal f-from you... O Smaug th-the... Unassessably Wealthy."

He gulped as Samug hardened his stare. "I me-merely wanted to-g-gaze upon your magnificence... T-To see, if you were really were a-as great as the old t-tales say... I d-did not believe th-them!" The last sentence was merely a squeak as Smaug stepped back and showed his whole, red-scaled body in contrast to the gold.

"And, do you now?"

"Truly." Bilbo stuttered, keeping a firm grip on the ground. Fears making him wobble on his knees, he strived to continue. "The tales and songs f-fall utterly sh-short of your e-enormity, Smaug the Stupendous."

Smaug sent him a questioning look, and asked, "Do you think flattery will keep you alive?"

"No, no."

"No, indeed," the dragon growled, and slithered along. "You seem familiar with my name, but I don't remember smelling your kind before." The sound of coins sliding down was heard throughout the hall. "Who are you, and where do you come from... May I ask?"

"I come from under the hill."

"Underhill?" Interest and confusion were in the dragon's voice.

"And under hills, and over hills my path has led. And, and-" the hobbit thought of more things to say to keep himself alive. He needed a distraction. "Through the air. I-I am he who walks unseen."

"Impressive." The dragon snickered lightly. "What else do you claim to be?"

"I am... Luck-wearer." Newfound confidence. "Riddle-maker."

"Lovely titles. Go on."


"Barrels? Now that is interesting."

Bilbo gulped softly. "And what about... your little Dwarf friends? Where are they hiding?"

This wasn't good. Could the dragon actually smell the Dwarves?

The hobbit mustered up strength, and as innocently as he could, he spoke. "D-Dwarves? No. No, no, no. No Dwarves here." His strength was already faltering as the dragon gave him another dangerous glance. "Y-You've got that a-all wrong."

"Oh, I don't think so, Barrel-rider!" Smaug warned, a glint of malice in his eye. "They sent you in here... to do their dirty work while they skulk about outside."

Bilbo tried to remain calm amidst the dragon's unpredictable discovery. "Truly, y-you are mistaken... O Smaug the Chiefest a-and Greatest of Calamities."

"You have nice manners for a thief..." the creature commented, but his next words were laced with venom. "And a liar!"

"I know the smell and taste of Dwarf... No one better! It is the gold!" The dragon roared as Bilbo scurried away to avoid his wrath of flames. "Did you think I did not know that his day would come?! That a pack of canting Dwarves... Would come crawling back to the Mountain?!" Bilbo was almost safe from the Dragon. Just a few more steps...

Smaug roared once again a line of searing flames, and far away, in Esgaroth... Even the Dragon's wrath could be felt.


A/N: FIRST OF ALL.... THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH FOR 6K!! THANKS TO ALL MY READERS (especially the active ones. <3 <3) LET'S KEEP IT COMING!! >O<

Oh good gods reward me for my lateness. I'm sorry for this incredibly late (and incredibly inaccurate) chapter. Expect that the other chapters will be like this as well because... Yeah, I'm having trouble basing it on the movie bc I can't watch it in my laptop >:(

Hope you still like it though.

--> Check out my other story, "A Schizophrenic's Monsters and a Geek's Mind", to have yourself a little fluffy romance... unlike this. :D


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