Chapter 19: Anclalme

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Hello hello good people of Wattpad! After a long time I have updated once again... LOL. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: This is really really inaccurate. Sorry. Bear with it /.\


"If this is to end in fire, then we shall all burn together."

Thorin says solemnly as the dragon raged, the Dwarves looking at their leader. The forges were waiting. 

"These furnaces are stone cold." Balin murmurs solemnly, looking around as the dragon drew nearer.

"He's right. We've no fire hot enough to set them ablaze." Thorin's eyes were set on anger as he spun around and glanced at the once great Dwarves of Erebor. "Have we not?" He asks, his voice full of mockery and betrayal.

At the voice of ridicule from their leader, the Dwarves began to run around and set themselves to work at the fires, taking the time and re-living the spirit of the once great halls. The dragon, unaware, slithered inside just as the Dwarves were set and ready.

"NOW!" Thorin shouted, as they pulled the lever. The hot, liquid gold was poured unto the dragon's scaly back, him writhing in pain as it scalded him.

However, that was only in the Dwarves' persepective.

The dragon easily shook the gold off of him, his serpentine eyes wildly flashing, anger bubbling inside his gigantic body.

"This... is some..." Smaug sneered, his head whipping here, there. "Sordid scheme hatched between these filthy Dwarves..." Bilbo looked up at him in panic. "And those miserable tub-trading Lakemen."

The Dragon went on, his voice shaking with calm rage. "Those snivelling cowards with their long bows... and Black Arrows..." His eyes glistened with dangerous excitement. "Perhaps it is time I paid them a visit."

The Dwarves listened, trying to rack their brains, anything. Thorin spoke.

"I am taking back what you stole, you witless worm." He murmured silently.

"You will take nothing from me, Dwarf. I laid low your warriors of old. I instilled terror in the hearts of Men." Smaug looked at Thorin, his gaze challenging. "I... am King Under the Mountain!"

"This is not your kingdom," Thorin spat back cruelly. "These are Dwarf lands, this is Dwarf gold. And we will have our revenge!"

The humongous serpent craned his long, scaly neck, and laughed with mockery. "Revenge?! I'll show you revenge..." He scoffed, his jaws widening to a crazed smile. "I am fire. I... am death!"

Smaug roared and smashed through the stone walls of the Dwarven fortress, the debris easily sliding off and bringing loud shaking echoes through the earth. The Dwarves, and their hobbit, watched in horror as Smaug unleashed his first footstep of destruction: the way he set the plains ablaze with his fire.

They knew it was far too late. The Dragon flew easily over Lake-town, and with one gust of his fire, clusters of houses exploded into flames.

"Oh no. What have we done?"


- YOU -


I woke up with a start and saw my hand reaching out for something that isn't there.

A Clash With Swords -A Thorin Fanfiction- (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now