Chapter 09: Locked and Trapped

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The Elvenking glared at me coldly. “Fine. Lock her in her room.” He seethes, his gaze falling on Ratter and Urdin.  “And these two,” he says, face void of mercy. “To the dungeons—Let them rot!” As the guards seized my arms, pulling me away from my friends, I met the king’s eyes: only to find no forgiveness.


( time skip after the Goblin Tunnels )

As I realized that Bilbo was missing, I whirled to the others. “Where is he?” I ask worriedly, but in a serious tone. First, Milady Etherstone. Now, Bilbo. Terrifying thoughts ran through my mind, aching me. How much more will I drag others to my own troubles?

“I’m here.” A voice says behind us.

There stood Bilbo. I smile in relief.

However, that was replaced as soon as Azog the Defiler chased us down. After I had fought him, all I remembered was fire and darkness.

 ( time skip after they had been flown by the Great Eagles )

I woke up and saw that I was... alive. Bilbo looked down at me and soon as I gave a bit more opening eye, he sighed in relief. Then, he pointed to the direction of a lone peak—Erebor. We’re almost there, I said to myself. We will reclaim it. Time’s running out.



Bilbo crept down from a rock. “How far is the pack?” I questioned, peering my eyes toward him. “Two leauges, or more,” he warned us. He explained that we will need to move. “Will you please, just listen! I’m trying to tell you, there is something else out there,” He states after he shouted unexpectedly, telling us to go quiet. “What form did it take? Like a bear?” Bilbo looks at the wizard in question. “Y-Yes, but much bigger.” The wizard lets out a sigh, speaking up after the clamor and disagreement. “There is a house. It’s not far from here, to take refuge,” his lips draw themselves to a grim line. “What house? Is it friend or foe?” I ask him, doubting. “Either. He will help us,” his face showed it all. “Or he will kill us.” I can’t let the Orc pack find us, so I knew I will have to take the risk. “What choice do we have.” I reply out in defeat. Then, as soon as we heard the howls of the Wargs, we were running for our unknown host.

I saw in the distance we were running towards a great house of wood. “Quickly!” Gandalf shouts from the front. “Into the house!” A black boar was running towards us. I saw the others in vain trying to open the door. Oh, for Durin’s sake! I went and unlatched the door, letting all of them in and rushing inside before the animal could take me. “We’ll rest here,” the Wizard says. “Tonight will be safe.”


“Tonight will be safe,” Gandalf said, lowering his voice to a whisper. “I hope.” The Dwarves then took their places and after a bit of rambling, they all fell down to sleep.


Bilbo was the last to wake. It has been two months ever since he re-joined the Company in the mountain pass. He was happy that they did not have another burglar around; or else he would have gone home miserably and all his energy wasted. Now he went to the hall itself, and there stood the great skin-changer Beorn. “I hate Dwarves,” he said as he grasped a tiny mouse. Then, Thorin looks up at him, knowing that he might kill them. However, luck was on their side. “But Orcs I hate more.” Much to their delight, Beorn even let them have what they need from supplies to travelling assets (ponies, mind you). As soon as daylight poured out, they got on their way to Mirkwood.

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