Chapter 06: Milady Etherstone, Smile Always.

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I was left alone after an hour or so. A familiar face peeped out of one of the arches, although I do not know why. She shyly went up to me. “A-Ah, arwenenamin, amin naa tualle...” she says. I smile. “Mani naa essa en lle?” She looks up at me, shaking, yet aglow with a smile. “E-Elenea.”



+ Arwenenamin, amin naa tualle : Milady, I am your servant

+ Mani naa essa en lle? : What’s your name?


Later, Elenea took me to Lord Elrond. He was together with Gandalf, discussing over things. “Um, excuse me,” I say. Elrond turns to me, then Gandalf. “Ah, (y/n), Elenea,” Elrond calls, going towards us. Elenea bows and excuses herself, going back to the main hall. Elrond was before me, his great height above my stature. “Lord Elrond, what do you need of me?” I say, bowing low. “(y/n), come with us.” I did as I was told.


 I let out a sigh. I wanted to ask Rolven more. Shoot, I shouldn’t even be calling her Rolven—what is her name? Feeling as if I was a stranger to her, I sulked more, devouring my thoughts. Elrond had earlier read my map, and seeing we needed to be there on Durin’s Day, we had to move faster. I already set out to leave at daybreak. “Where is she,” I asked the others, whirling around. “Found her taking a walk with the elf-lord and Gandalf,” Bofur said, chewing between meat. I stopped and sulked again in my thoughts. I had to tell her already. We’ll be going, far away.

- YOU -

 I was summoned and now I was standing before Lady Galadriel, Saruman the White, Gandalf the Grey, and Lord Elrond. I felt terribly out of place, until the Lady took her gaze unto mine. You will be pivotal in determining the King’s fate, she said to me, no one else hearing. Elf-magic, I thought. She continued. Make the right choices, (y/n). Lead him. Guide him. Don’t let him go astray.

Then, an elf-male arrived, wearing a shocked and panicked expression. “My lord, the Dwarves,” he says, stuttering. “They’re gone.”

I immediately rushed to the main hall, seeing Elenea shaking with fear. “I-I am sorry, arwenenamin, I tried to, I—“ I patted her head gently. “Don’t worry, Elenea. It’s not your fault.” I whirled around, and found a piece of parchment inserted between a tabletop and an arch. It read:

 I am sorry, milady. I had to leave—I can’t imagine you getting hurt. I don’t want you to take part in my fight. It doesn’t seem right, because I still feel like a stranger to you. Kili wishes you the best. He almost stayed behind. Please, return to your previous life. Forget about Erebor, forget about me. I will not risk your life for my golden hoard. I only think of what’s best for you. I am sorry, again. But, please, always know, because of you, I have learned to care for another woman. I had the feeling to need. I had the feeling to protect another. Thank you, please smile always. Be happy, for me.



I stared, dumbfounded. Just when I had loved another...

 Wait, love?

 Is that how I felt towards him?

I stared at his letter. Immediately, tears stung my eyes as I clutched it tighter... Tighter. I choked, letting all the tears come out. Lord Elrond watched, feeling his gaze at my back. I shook, knowing what I had. 

 My heart raced. I wasn’t afraid anymore. I needed to show him.

I remembered the time when I was in the Seas: hating all Kings for they only had power and greed. All Kings, especially those who are cold and rich. Anger boiled through my veins when I heard of Thorin, son of Thrain; a quest to reclaim Erebor? A joke, I said. Gold is all he wanted. Just treasure, not the Kingdom.

But now, spending all this time, knowing more of him... Seeing who he is... What was his reasons... These few months, my point of view of him has unexpectedly changed.

Hate crumbled away and was replaced by longing, fear, and sadness. I had to stand by him. 

Our past ties have dissolved. No more hate, no more anger.

He was what I needed.


I ran out of the hall, until Elrond stopped me. “You might need a little help.” Elrond said, reaching out and calling a giant eagle. He smiled at me fondly. “Namaarie, arwenamin. tenna' ento lye omenta.” He says, stroking my hair. “May fair winds travel with you.” I thanked him. “Thank you so much for everything, heruamin. Namaarie.” I bid to him, mounting on the giant eagle. “To Mirkwood.” Elrond says, inserting a scroll in my hands. “Present it to the lord of the forest,” he explained. “He will know what to do.”

 I took off instantly, clutching the scroll to my chest. My heart thumped.

I’m coming, Thorin.



+ Namaarie, arwenamin : Farewell, milady

+ Tenna’ ento lye omenta : Until next we meet

+ Heruamin : my lord





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