Chapter 03: The Tragedy of Moria

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I woke up, feeling a bit better. The two Dwarves, whom I had known as Kili and Fili, were still soundly asleep, both of them snoring. I chuckled. They were brothers-so it makes me happy seeing these two together. Unlike my brother and me.

Yes, I forgot. I am a female. I was so focused on being a male these last days and I forgot my real preference. But, this could save me. Save me, Ratter and Urdin. I had to last.

+ + +

Our bags were all packed for the journey. I signed the contract, never really minding what's written. What do I care? We were just gonna go and get their golden hoard. That's all.

We mounted on ponies. I was at back with Kili, and ever since the journey started the two of us had become really good friends.

- d a y s l a t e r -

Night came.

A small campfire was started. Everyone was asleep some moments later. I wasn't at least sleepy. Thorin, Kili and Fili took night watch. Balin was also awake. The cold night breeze blew in my face as I sat beside Kili. Then, I heard cries. "Orcs," I muttered, keeping low. "Attacking when night falls, eh?" Kili said, laughing. Fili did as well. Thorin turned at us. "Do you think a night raid by orcs is a joke?" he said, clearly mad. "W-We didn't mean anything by it..." Kili said evidently disappointed in himself. I patted his shoulder. He returned my gesture with a small smile. Balin approached us. "Don't take it in too much, lad," he said, leaning against the rock. "Thorin has all the reason to hate Orcs." Well, that piqued my interest. "What about it?" I asked innocently. Balin opened his mouth to speak, and then clamped his mouth shut. He finally gave in and began. "It all began when we tried to reclaim the ancient Dwarf Kingdom of Moria." He continued as I listened.

I have to admit. It was very horrible and sad. "Azog began by beheading the King." Having Thorin's grandfather beheaded in front of him... It was too scary for me to imagine. "And then, I saw a young Dwarf Prince. I saw him defeat the pale Orc using only an oaken branch as a shield." I can imagine Thorin slaying Azog's hand. "And then, I saw him. I saw one whom I could call 'King'." The others were awake now. "Then Azog the Defiler knew that the Line of Durin won't so easily be destroyed." Thorin turned to us and began to walk towards us. "And what came of Azog?" I mused. "He slunk back to the nasty hole whence he came." The Dwarf-King answered.

Now I realize the respect they held for him. It was immaculate and pure.

+ + +

It had been five moons ever since I heard about Thorin's tragedy. Now we were in Trollshaws. They had me the task of bringing food to Kili and Fili who were watching over the ponies. I made my way swiftly and saw them. "Fili, Kili, dinner's here." I called. As I walked, I didn't see a fairly large root sticking out of the ground. I should have fallen-but Kili caught me in time. The soup was spilled. I realized that Kili's arm was right across my chest. I stood up, feeling heated. "Rolven-" Kili muttered but I instantly stopped him. "Later." I whispered, and then took my attention on the spilled food. "Bombur will be so mad... What should I do...?" I said, turning, only to meet eye-to-eye with Fili. "Er, Rolven, we hate to drag you into this, but we've encountered a... slight problem." He mumbled. "We had 17 ponies." Kili continued. "Now we have 14." I winced. "But we could just tell Thorin-" I suggested but only was replied by Fili's shushing. "We can't. He'll definitely NOT forgive us." I nodded slightly. "Let's find them then." I said, and saw the uprooted trees. The brothers followed but walked ahead. "Trees uprooted, ponies," I spoke in undertone. "Which means..." then I saw it. I quickly hid while the two brothers situated themselves behind a tree. "Mountain trolls." I said, looking at them. "Slow, stupid, mountain trolls. We can handle them." Kili and Fili nodded. "Right. As our burglar, Rolven, go get in there!"

I saw the three trolls. They were arguing among themselves on flavor and mutton. I made a face. How stupid could these things get? I quickly ran over to the ponies and shushed them as they whinnied. I reached in my pocket for my dagger-rats. It wasn't there. I scanned and saw a blade of one of the trolls. Since they seemed to be preoccupied, I hastily ran to the side-and gripped it. I carefully pulled out the small scythe using the haft. And out it went. Unfortunately, it was heavy, and giving it that weight, I accidentally dropped it to the ground. "Rats," I cursed. The trolls saw me. I ran and dodged their gripping. "Wait for me, you little-" one said then another grabbed me by my feet. "Eh? What is this?" "I don't know, but it looks pretty tasty to me!" "But it's all just skin and bones-" and the youngest troll shrieked. "Drop him!" I heard someone say. The trolls seemed to look at each other in confusion. Then I saw-Kili! "I said, drop 'im." He attacked the other Trolls with his sword and down I went. Then, I found myself in someone's arms-Thorin. "Thanks," I said hastily. Thorin returned with a slight nod. The other Dwarves started attacking the trolls, the monsters falling one by one. The heat of the battle seemed to increase, and I joined in. I swung my newly found sword without really minding the weight. The trolls started to give in-until one of them grabbed me. They threatened the others, saying, "Drop your weapons or we'll rip 'im to pieces!" Oh dear, lovely. They wouldn't give in to these trolls, I'm sure of that! I prayed silently for them to slice the trolls' heads off-until they dropped their weapons. "Rats." I cursed under my breath.

The trolls tied us up and stuffed us in sacks.

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