Chapter 07: The Halls of Mirkwood

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I trudged the mountain pass silently. Balin looked worried, and later was already consoling me. "Don't let it get to you laddie," he said, walking. "You did the right thing." I gave a thin smile, looking at him. "You're right, Balin. I did what's best."

Then why do I feel so heavy?

As night drew nearer, a storm broke out. "A storm, in this time?" Dwalin hissed, looking blindly around. Then, much to our surprise, a boulder smashed to the rock cliffs. "Giants! Stone giants!" Gloin shouted, seeing the behemoths. I shouted 'Retreat! To the mountain caves!' in Khuzdul. Sensing danger, the dwarves hurried off. Balin found a cave and in we all went. "Careful now," he muttered. "Mountain caves are seldom unoccupied." The storm just went on. We lay down eventually, getting rest. I closed my eyes, and drifted to sleep.

After hours, the storm stopped, the winds died.

I opened my eyes, and saw Bofur was on watch. He looked around. Suddenly, I saw it. Or him.

Master Baggins was there.

I jumped to my feet. "How, I thought-" Bilbo stuttered for an answer. "We-Well, I decided I would follow you. Gandalf said you left. Through the mountain." He looked up, recounting his thoughts. "I followed you, from Bree. To the Trollshaws, and Gandalf miraculously found me. He said, 'I will be looking after them, and you are free to follow. I will still keep an eye on you, my dear hobbit.' Then, all the way to Rivendell, and here!" he says, stomping his foot on ground. "I'm surprised I haven't given up yet." I stood there, mouth agape. "Hobbits really are skillful," Bofur says, nodding.

Then, I heard a crack.

I panicked. "Get up, get up!" I shouted to the sleeping Dwarves. They moved too late.

Soon, we were falling down.

- YOU -

Instead of dropping me down on the mountains where I thought Thorin could've gone to, I found myself in the forest of Mirkwood. The eagle stopped and landed before huge stone gates. I breathed out. Two elven guards looked at me and raised their weapons. I held my hands up in the air, signaling surrender. "State your name and business." One of them gruffly said. I stutter. "I-I am R-Rolven E-Etherstone," I say as I take the parchment from my satchel. "I-I come here in the name of L-Lord E-Elrond." They look at me. One cocks his head to the side, gesturing to the gates. "Follow me." He commands. As I take my satchel from the great eagle, the mighty animal takes off, leaving me to the halls of the Woodland Realm.

I walked in awe of the beauty of the hall.

As we neared the throne room, my heart throbbed loudly. I heard of the Elvenking Thranduil from all the shores of Middle-earth. His great battles, his legendary realm, his coveted treasure, his fearsome power... Ah. The perks of being a pirate.

Although Thorin's stories said of this great King being a selfish one, I can't believe even though I disliked him... Or hated him, for that matter, I still shook of fear.

The King sat still on his throne, one of his legs across the other. His staff was at his side. I bowed down in respect. "Y-Your Majesty," I began, stuttering of nervousness. "I-I come in th-the will of L-Lord E-Elrond." He stares at me intently, his head cocking this way, here and there. I glue my eyes down to the floor. The elven guard from before hands him the parchment. He walks back to his throne, examining it. The letter was in Tengwar, so I cannot read most. "Rivendell... Staying? Yes, of course... Lady Etherstone, yes? Your name was not mentioned." he takes a glance then started walking hurriedly towards me. "Is it true? Are you her sapling, arwenenamin?" he says, looking at me. I flinched nervously. "Erm, who her, Your M-Majesty?" he takes a step back and sighs sadly. "Elinor."

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