Chapter 05: Tell Me the Truth

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I winced. "You're female, aren't you?" Kili asked. I looked down, feeling my soft curls knock against my back. I bit my lip. "I-I..." I trailed off. He smiled shortly, yet full of understanding and concern. "Don't worry. I won't let anyone know. I promise I'll protect you from anything." He pulled me into his chest, I sobbed. The tears flowed. He doesn't know how much I wanted to hear that I was a lady again. "Shhh, it's okay," he says, stroking my (h/c) hair. I felt comfort again, safe in someone's arms. After a while, I pulled away. "Thank you... Kili..." I sniffed. He smiled. "Anytime."

He returned earlier, talking with Fili. I left the clearing by myself, hiding my hair by tying my bandana around my neck. As I approached by the troll-hoard, I waited for Thorin to go out. He gave me a sword, with such beauty and a fine blade that it can only be of an elf's skill. I gushed, thanking him and blushing a tint of red as he shuffled my hair. We got moving.

Then, we heard noises.

"Weapons at the ready!" Someone screamed. I stood stunned, as Thorin bit his lip, looking for any sign of danger. I unsheathed my new blade, regretting that it had to see battle. Then, I heard a familiar cry. "Ari-haaaaa!" A thick yet clumsy voice said, and I saw them.

Mounted on a sleigh with rabbits pulling at it, I saw Ratter, Urdin, and a man with a brown hat. "Ah, Radagast!" Gandalf exclaimed, reaching out to the seemingly poor fellow. The Dwarves looked surprised, and Gandalf explained that there was nothing to worry about for Radagast was a fellow Wizard, dwelling in the forest of Greenwood. "They've called it fouler names now," Radagast stated. "The men call it Mirkwood now."

Meanwhile, I haven't a care for names and illnesses. Urdin and Ratter rushed to meet me. "Oh, (y/n), how glad are we to see you." Urdin says, taking my hand and kissing it. Ratter took off his bandana and bowed. "A pleasure to get it back on with you, milady." A sigh of relief was released by me as the Dwarves were busy to themselves. I peered closer to my two crewmates, making my voice fall to a whisper. "Thanks, I missed the both of you too..." I said, tears welling. I hugged them both. When I recovered, I explained that I was pretending to be a guy, the deal with Thorin, and what happened so far...

They laughed. "Seriously, (y/n)-- I mean, Rolven!" Ratter said, laughing vigurously. "What joy must've been when we weren't around! Cooking Dwarf," he smirks. "We should tell you an adventure of our own." Urdin states, smiling.

They explained they were healed by Radagast when they escaped from Gandalf. Maybe it was the Wizard's will, they said, because Radagast welcomed them openly as if he was expecting them. After that, Gandalf came.“Oh yeah, and we killed Orcs along the way too,” Ratter claimed, biting to an apple he got from a sack in the sleigh. “Nasty Orcs, those were. And what more terrible of them is they speak in Black.” I winced. “In Black, eh...” I said, thinking. “They must be of higher rank. Maybe from the North.” Urdin nodded. “They must be. I heard them speak of—“ before he could continue, Ori waved to us from higher ground. “We’re leaving!” he shouted, then ran off. Before Ratter and Urdin could leave, I gripped at their shoulders. “I told you, call me Rolven, I’m a male.” I state. They nod to each other, and smile, peering down at me. “Well then, shall we go, milord?”

 And after that, we travelled. I close my eyes, turning in my sheets. I open them again and see Thorin’s boots in front of me, the King squinting down at me.


 I look down at Rolven, my eyes struggling not to break my gaze. I mouth a silent “Come,” to him. He blinks then nods, getting up. When Kili returned earlier, his smirk was of a different mood. This piqued my interest, and knowing he was alone with Rolven earlier, I have decided to look into it.

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