Chapter 10: Master Plan

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( caution: violent words ahead. )


"Ugh. This stinks." The half-Dwarf, Ratter, muttered to himself, and probably to the half-Elf Urdin, who sat slumping against the cell walls. "Oh, and please, Din. Don't give me that withering and oh so encouraging stare," he complained as his comrade stared at him. "Makes me wanna go and gouge our eyes out. I'M GETTING RESTLESS, DAMN IT." The small corsair sat and put his head between his legs, his hands at the back of his neck, pulling his rough hair. "Do something, Urdin. Damn." He whines again. No response. The corsair was already getting impatient and really angry. "DAMN ALL THE ELVES." He finally slumped back on the rock. "Lucky we 'cause they don't know what's a damn." Urdin, at long last, snapped. "Hold your tongue or else I'll do something awful," Annoyed, he shuts his eyes, and gives a long sigh, relaxing his patience. When he opened them, he saw Ratter grinning down at him. "Ships and curses, finally, you snap." "It matters not. We have to help our lady." The other groans. "Yeah. And there's that too. And of course, the King. Won't let us lay a hand on her."

Night fell. Eating their given food, they slept.

Tchk. Tchk. Tchk.

Urdin awoke at once. A hooded figure was in front of their cell. He was careful not to raise his head. The figure then stopped, as if sensing that he was watching. "U-Urdin?" It whispered out. Only one can tell in a situation like this. Only one would know if he was pretending.


The girl smiles. "Yes. It's me. Come on, it's open." Urdin shook Ratter up. "Whazz-yo-problem-yeah?" he says sleepily, then fell again. "No good." This time, the half-Elf slapped him with the deftest movement, without a sound. Whatever it was, it jolted Ratter awake. "What the fitch--?!" he shouts until Urdin covered his mouth. "Shhh." He whispered, then pointed to their lady. "My lady, this will kill you!" "And this will save you." She states calmly. "Go. As far as you can. As far as the Sea." She smiles sadly. Urdin and Ratter held her wrist. "No, milady! We will not allow it! Come with us!" they said in unison in a hoarse whisper. She shakes her head at her two friends. "I have something left to do. I'm sorry." Ushering them to the gates, she narrows her eyes to see if other Elves have seen them. "Go now, and hurry. I will wake them up as soon as you mount the eagle and go off after an hour or so. Lord Elrond said that it will bring you to Imladris-" "Wait, Lord Elrond planned this?" She looks up as she is finished tightening the satchel on the eagle. "No. I asked help. Thranduil will know it's my fault, so he has no choice but to let you go. After all, you did no harm. It is I who stirred up trouble."

The two flash her a worried look.

"Don't be so worried. I'll be fine." She says to them both. "Watch each other, alright?" Urdin and Ratter look at her longingly. "Pl-Please, return to us, my-no, (y/n)." Ratter stuttered, feeling guilty. Why must he be safe... When his lady is not? Before he could hoist her up to the eagle, the great bird flew up at once. The girl waved a last good-bye and sighed. If ever she won't return, she wanted them to be safe. And by the look of things, they are... for now.

~ E A R L I E R ~

"But they have done nothing," the girl stated before Thranduil. "Let me take their place or else I'll set them free." The Elvenking lowered his head and shook it. "No, no, no. They will stay and so will you." "But why imprison them?!" "They are corsairs, hiril vuin. As much as I wish to trust them, times have gotten bad and I must take precautions."


By now, the Dwarves have started their journey through Mirkwood. The sickness has gotten them ill and confused, making them linger longer than expected. The spiders almost got them, but thankfully Bilbo has saved them. Word has gotten across, eventually reaching the ears of the Wood-elves.

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