1: Study session

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The Southside of Chicago is like a coin. It may look shiny and worth something, but when you really look at it, it's got no value. On one half of the coin, you have the Milkovich family. On the other half of the coin you have the Gallagher family.

The Milkovich family is made up of red-neck homophobes who would love nothing more than to kill every last gay in the Southside area. Terry is the father of the family, not afraid to speak his mind or shoot someone. Mickey is the smarts of the family, known by his FUCK U-UP tattoo on his knuckles, as well as not violently acting out without reason. Mandy is the only female sibling of Mickey, Colin, Iggy, Jamie and Joey Milkovich.

The Gallagher family is made up of many fucked up people. Monica is a bipolar drug addict. Frank is a drunk who would rather spend all his money on drugs and alcohol rather than bills. Fiona is the oldest Gallagher child, who pays for the rent and technically raises her five younger siblings. Lip is the second oldest Gallagher child, who is top of his class and a smart-ass who thinks he's a know-it-all. Ian is a 16-year-old slightly closeted homosexual, who has fucked a dude or two since he knew he was gay, but never had a real relationship. Debbie is the third youngest Gallagher sibling, who knows how to fuck people up to get her way. Carl is the second youngest Gallagher sibling, who is most likely to end up in juvie because of his dangerous behaviour. Liam is the youngest Gallagher sibling, not old enough to partake in the dangerous and out-right illegal acts carried out by his older siblings.

If these two families ever got into a serious brawl, no one would be safe. So, the idea of a Gallagher helping a Milkovich to study was seriously insane.


Receiving a text while being ass-fucked by a guy in his late forties to early fifties was not how I saw my day going.

"Sorry, I gotta go." I informed Ned, who sighed and pulled out, laying on his bed.

"What's the situation? Family? Friends?" Ned asked, laying naked on his bed.

"Friend. We have a study session and it begins in like...20 minutes." I smiled, hastily putting on my pants.

"You helping this friend to study, or the other way around?" He asked, curious.

"I'm helping her." I grinned, Ned smiling.

"Atta boy. It's good that you're helping friends in need." He sat up as I chucked on my jacket before saying goodbye to Ned, tying my shoes as I got into the elevator.

Yes. I was fucking a guy that lives in high-end apartment building. I barely got to her house in time. Now, I usually wouldn't be caught dead around the Milkovich house, but for the sake of needing some cash, and being a good person, I decided to help Mandy Milkovich study.

I got to her front porch, ringing her doorbell. It was cold, but I didn't mind. She opened the door, a nervous smile on her face.

"Hey Ian. Thanks for comin'. I almost thought you would bail." Mandy looked at me, letting me inside.

"I almost did bail. I mean, if I was caught standing on your front porch, my brother would kill me." I explained, looking at her house.

"Sorry for the shithole. Milkoviches aren't really well versed in the area of good hygiene." Mandy laughed, sitting down on the couch. I looked at the coffee table that was full of ripped magazines, guns and other weapons.

"It's fine. Is your dad home?" I asked, looking around.

"Nope. He and two of my other brothers are out for the week." Mandy smiled.

"What about Mickey?" I asked, knowing how angry Mickey could get.

I had seen him around, always making sure to avoid him as best as possible.

"If he gets home and you're still here, I'll shut him up." Mandy reassured me.

For the next 30 minutes, we studied. Mandy would get up and grab a beer every 10-15 minutes, but for most of the time, we'd actually study.

As I feared, when the front door opened, I saw Mickey Milkovich standing in the doorway.

"Why the fuck is there a Gallagher sitting on our couch?" Mickey angrily grabbed his gun, aiming it.

"Mick, calm down." Mandy stood up, getting in between me and Mickey.

"Put it down, Mickey." Mandy grabbed the gun, but Mickey wouldn't let go.

"I asked you a question Mandy. Why the FUCK is there a Gallagher sitting on our couch?!" Mickey yelled, Mandy not backing down.

"Ian is helping me study. I would have asked Lip, but I knew that you'd try to kill him as soon as he started being a smart-ass, so I chose Ian instead. Now put the fucking gun down and go to your room." Mandy grabbed the gun from Mickey, throwing it on a nearby chair.

"If I hear ANY funny business, you're dead, Gallagher." Mickey warned, staring at me.

The rest of the study session quickly faded and turned into Mandy on the couch playing a video game. I joined her, playing with her. Out of nowhere, Mickey sat on the couch, squeezing me between him and Mandy. He grabbed the controller from my hand, smirking.

"Let me show you how it's done." He chuckled, his eyes then gluing to the screen in front of him.

Two sides of the same coin//GallavichWhere stories live. Discover now