14: Torture

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Weeks had gone by, and Mandy sent me a message telling me that Mickey was only 2 hours away from being a married man. I made my way to the wedding venue, just walking around until I found Mickey.

When I found him, he was smoking in what seemed to be a cafeteria. He looked nervous as fuck, and like he desperately didn't want to be wearing a suit.

"Ian, holy shit." Mickey smiled, running over to me. He put a kiss on my lips before pulling away, going to smoke again.

"We're a couple, as in boyfriend and boyfriend, but you're gonna marry someone who screws guys for a living?" I started to get upset. Just looking at Mickey in his suit was making me sick.

"Who gives a shit? It's a fucking piece of paper." Mickey sighed as he looked away. He looked really guilty, like he hated this situation as much as I did.

"Not to me." My voice was slowly disappearing because of the amount of crying I was doing.

"Hey, come on- look. Just 'cause I'm getting hitched doesn't mean we can't still bang. Okay?" Mickey held my hand. I pulled away, feeling my heart being ripped in two.

"All right?" Mickey asked again.

"If you give half a shit about me, Mickey- Don't do this." I begged Mickey, who looked me up and down.

Without warning, Mickey kissed me, his hands going straight to my neck. I kissed him back, leading us to a wall. Mickey removed the jacket of his suit as I removed my jacket and before we both knew it, we were fucking behind an open door in an empty part of the wedding venue.

After about 20 minutes, we put our clothes back on, and I lit a smoke, still confused about what was going to happen after what we just did.

"God damn, Gallagher. I oughta get you pissed off more often." Mickey smirked as he put his jacket back on, taking the cigarette out of my mouth.

"So, what are we gonna do? We gonna tell everyone to leave?" I asked, confused.

"Nah. I'll go get this shit over with, and, uh, you can wait here for me. Shouldn't take more than an hour, right? You better be ready for round two." Mickey smiled as he walked back into the cafeteria, the cigarette still in between his lips.

"You're not seriously going through with this, are you?" I walked behind him, trying not to cry.

"Why are you acting like I got a choice in this?" Mickey scoffed, turning to face me.

"This is bullshit. Listen to me, Mickey. Your dad is an evil, psychotic prick. You're just gonna let him ruin your life?" I raised my voice, feeling defeated.

"You need to grow the fuck up. Don't act like you know a thing about my dad." Mickey hissed, backing away from me.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" I stepped back, letting a tear slip from my eye. Mickey looked away, clearly in just as much pain as I was.

"Not everybody gets to just- Not everybody just gets to blurt out how they fuckin' feel every minute." Mickey exhaled just as we both heard footsteps coming toward us. Without warning, Mandy slammed open the door, confused when she saw me and Mickey.

"Everyone's looking for you." Mandy informed Mickey.

"I'm having a fuckin' smoke. Is that all right?" Mickey angrily asked before leaving the room, not even looking at me.

Mandy followed Mickey, leaving me alone in the room. Out of anger, I lifted a chair and slammed it down onto the floor, watching as it flew across the room, landing upside down near one of the dirty tables. I broke down, crying. I stayed like that for 2 whole minutes, before I heard the music, which caused me to run to where the music was coming from. I watched from behind closed doors as the Russian lady walked down the aisle wearing a white cocktail dress. Mickey made eye contact with me, but didn't do anything. He just let the wedding happen.

The moment that Mickey and the chick held hands, I bolted, leaving the venue and getting as far away from Mickey and his new bride as possible. After a few hours, as I expected, Mandy texted me, but I didn't have the emotional, mental or physical energy to message her back, unable to think about Mickey without balling my eyes out.

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