20: Helping hand

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Mandy had been a great friend to Ian since he was put in the hospital. If I wasn't available or Lip wasn't available to stay with Ian and get further information about his health, Mandy would be there for us and give us updates while we were at work.

4 hours ago, Ian had been transported from the hospital to the house. He was healed enough to go home, but not healed enough to be released from bed rest. There were a few things that the doctors warned about, like temporary memory loss, which is why I asked the family to be careful, especially Debbie, Carl and Liam, who all had special connections to Ian.

To prevent any unwanted visitors, for example Mickey or Frank, I installed new locks on the front and back door, as well as properly securing any entrance that might have been previously accessible. I didn't want Ian possibly remembering any difficult memories because he caught a glimpse of Mickey or Frank.

Mandy had been telling me things. She didn't necessarily want to tell me, but I either begged her to tell me, or she'd get drunk enough to tell me. I couldn't just threaten to tell dad, since I technically shot him. I didn't know if Mandy or the Gallaghers were aware of my father's death, although, they might not have, considering they've been needing to take care of Ian.

"Anything new about Ian?" I asked, concerned for him.

"He's been released from the hospital, but he's still on bed rest." Mandy scoffed. She sent me a photo of Ian's current state.

"Holy shit. He's looking better!" I laughed. Ian looked like his face had cleared up.

"Yeah. The doctors say that he might need physical therapy." Mandy sighed.

"What the fuck is physical therapy and why the fuck does he need it?" I asked, confused. I got off my bed and paced around my room, the phone pressed to my face while I waited for an answer.

"When I found Ian, he had been punched so hard that he fell down the stairs. He has a spinal cord fracture, which means that his legs and possibly his arms will be immobile, or in dumbass terms, incapable of movement indefinitely. Even if he does regain movement in his arms and legs, he'll be wheelchair bound and then, there will be people who specialise in physical therapy, who can help Ian learn how to move his arms and legs and also to walk." Mandy explained, confusing me.

"So, he might not be permanently paralysed?" I was happy.

"Ian being permanently paralysed is the worst case scenario, but it's still possible." When Mandy told me this, my heart shattered and my eyes started watering.

Because of my fucked up dad, Ian was on the verge of permanent paralysis.

"C- Can come over and see him?" I asked, barely being able to speak without choking on my words.

"Mick...Fiona has made her feelings about you clear. I don't think it's such a good idea for you to come over..." Mandy sighed.

"Screw Fiona. I need to see Ian." I ended the call and grabbed my jacket, intending to see the love of my life, even if Fiona didn't want me to.

When I arrived at the Gallagher house, I ran up to the front door and knocked, watching as Mandy opened the front door.

"Let me in, please?" I asked politely.

"FIONA!" Mandy yelled, letting Fiona run to the front door.

"Close it. He's not allowed in." Fiona hissed, Mandy doing as she said. I put my foot in front of the door and forced it open.

"Look, I know you don't like me, and yeah, I've done some pretty shitty stuff in the past, but the monster who forced me to do those things is dead. I've left you and Mandy countless voicemails and messages, wanting updates on Ian's health, because whether you believe me or not, I care about him. I love him, Fiona. It may have taken my death being faked and a near-death experience to realise that, but I love him. I fucking love him with all my heart and it physically hurts me to know that I can't see him. I would have rather let my dad actually shoot me dead, if I had known that Ian survived and you refused to let me see him, because I don't want to live in a world where I am denied access to seeing the love of my life, because of something my asshole of a dad did." I revealed, unable to hold back the tears that had formed in my eyes.

"I shot my own dad in the head and let him die. I killed my dad for Ian. I let my dad die, because he's the one who put Ian in the hospital. So please, stop being a heartless bitch and let me see Ian." I asked, taking a few deep breaths in and out.

"Fine." Fiona looked shocked by my reveal, and Mandy even smiled when I revealed that our dad was dead.

I walked inside the Gallagher house and put my jacket on the couch, walking up stairs. When I entered Ian's room, I saw that he was sleeping in bed, lots of medical equipment around his bed. I knelt down and held Ian's hand, unable to stop crying at the sight of Ian's damaged body.

"Hey, Ian. It's Mickey. Fiona finally let me see you. Good news. My dad, he's dead. I killed him because of what he did to you." I smiled, watching as Ian kept sleeping, probably due to whatever medication he was on.

Mandy and I watched from the doorway as Mickey knelt down next to Ian and held his hand. Watching Mickey be so caring for Ian, it was new to me. I had never seen Mickey be so caring and nice to someone, let alone someone from my family.

When Ian opened his eyes, Mickey started smiling more and more, ushering me and Mandy to come closer. We knew what was coming. To me, Ian was my brother, my family, but to Ian, I was a stranger who was taking care of him.

"Hey, Ian. You're awake." Mickey smiled, looking at Ian, who took a minute to fully wake up, considering his meds constantly made him drowsy.

"W- Who a- are y- you?" Ian stuttered. Mickey's face dropped, confused. He stood up, and left the room, now crying more than he had previously.

"Mickey, you okay?" I asked, putting my hand on his shoulder.

"Why doesn't he remember me?" Mickey asked, trying to stay calm, but he couldn't.

"It's a result from being punched so hard that he fell down the stairs. He got a concussion, but the doctors determined that he had temporary short term memory loss as well, just to add to the list of shitty things that Ian is suffering from." Mandy sighed.

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