29: Memories- Lip, Carl and Liam

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It had been an emotional morning for Fiona and Debbie. They had been giving me extra special treatment since I remembered. It kinda made it funny to see Lip, Carl and Liam watch in confusion, or more likely, jealousy.

When I saw Lip holding a text-book something flashed in my brain. A conversation flashed in my head. Lip and I were sitting in a van of some sort, a folder in his hands as he talked to me.

"Anybody before?" Lip asked, leaning back.

"One." I smiled.

"Yeah? Who?" Lip asked, looking at me with curiosity.

"It was a kid at school. I guess it doesn't really matter 'cause, I mean, he's long gone now anyway, but, uh...Roger Spikey." I admitted, Lip looking at me as if I had just revealed a family secret.

"Roger Spikey? Fucking donkey dick Roger Spikey? The original beefmeister? Or did he start that rumour?" Lip asked, now laughing.

"Not a rumour." I rolled my eyes, raising my eyebrows.

"Whoa, that was a bit gay. What you just did there with your eyebrows. You want to watch that." Lip laughed.

"All right, fuck off, all right?" I smiled, trying to relax.

"But seriously, like...like up the ass? Do you get used to that? Can someone get used to that? I mean...I mean, the whole point of the digestive system is one-way traffic. It just is." Lip looked confused as I laughed, making Lip even more confused.

"What? What?!" Lip asked, trying to figure out why I was laughing.

"Just is." Like, like, we're only given our lungs to freakin' smoke, right?" I smiled, Lip laughing along with me.

I wanted to fuck around with Lip, most likely through embarrassment. I mean, brothers usually embarrass each other, right?

"Hey Lip, you still trying to figure out how gay guys get used to being fucked up the ass?" I spoke, taking a sip of juice. I watched in joy as Lip almost choked on his toast. In fact, everyone at the kitchen table almost choked on whatever they were consuming. Debbie and Fiona ignored the question, Carl looked more confused, Liam was too interested in his toy, Mandy's eyes widened and Mickey laughed.

"Shut up, douchebag." Lip smirked as he whacked my shoulder.

"It seems as if today is full of memories, right Ian?" Mandy smiled, hugging me.

"Hopefully there's more." Mickey smiled.

As hoped, memories flooded my brain.

"Let's kill some red-neck motherfuckers." Carl smirked as we walked in a group one block over, eventually reaching the Milkovich residence.

That was the next memory to appear in my brain as Carl walked out of the kitchen with a gun in his hand.

"Hey, Carl? Why is it that you find joy in harming other people?" I looked at Carl, who shook his head.

"I don't- wait, why are you asking me that?" Carl looked at me.

"I remember you saying that you wanted to kill some red-neck motherfuckers the day that we faced off against Terry." I smiled, everyone still unable to believe that so many memories were coming back.

"I missed you, bro." Carl hugged me.

"I missed your little criminal ass as well." I hugged Carl back, Mandy wheeling me to the living-room.

Mickey helped me onto the couch as Fiona put a plate on my lap and Debbie handed me a knife and fork.

"Ian!" I heard the smallest Gallagher child enter the room.

"Hey, little man." I smiled at him, trying to remember his name, but failing. Fiona could see the hurt on my face as I desperately attempted to remember his name. He jumped onto the couch next to me, looking down at my now half empty plate of food. The kid couldn't stop smiling as he looked at me. As if my timing couldn't be better, a memory flashed in my brain.

"Ian, can you please give Liam some of your breakfast?" Fiona asked as I sat at the kitchen table, cutting into my bacon and eggs.

"Sure. Anything for my favourite brother." I smiled, cutting up some bacon for Liam to eat.

"Hey, don't let Lip or Carl hear you say that." Fiona laughed as she served herself some coffee.

"Hey, Liam. I'll let you have some of my breakfast if you want?" I looked at Liam, who nodded.

"Like you used to." Fiona smiled.

"Yeah. I'll always give food to my favourite brother." I smiled, Fiona chuckling.

"Don't let Lip or Carl hear you say that." Fiona smirked, watching as Carl headed upstairs.

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