17: Two sides of the same coin

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Having a gun pulled on me was nothing new, but the fact that the person who pulled the gun on me was Ian, my heart broke. I couldn't believe that Ian had really pulled a gun on me and demanded that I stay away from him.

When I stood in my bathroom, I looked down at my left hand, seeing the wedding ring. I scoffed, trying to forget that I was actually married. I knew I made the wrong choice. I knew that I should of fought harder to be with Ian. But instead, I cowered. I let the fear of my father win.

I watched as Svetlana put Yevgeny in my arms, expecting me to be a loving father. In all honesty, I had a suspicion than the kid wasn't mine, considering that 1. Svetlana fucked a lot of people including me, unfortunately, and 2. Yevgeny had grown a lot of hair, that happened to be blonde.

I stole Mandy's phone, seeing that Mandy had been filling Ian in on my life and shit that happened post-marriage. Wanting to see what would happen, I clicked on Ian's number and let it ring. Surprisingly, he answered.

"Hey Mandy. What's up?" Ian asked. I hesitated, but spoke.

"It's Mickey." I hoped for a somewhat positive answer.

"Why are you calling me on Mandy's phone?" I could hear the annoyance in Ian's voice.

"Look, can we talk? I haven't regretted a decision so many times in my life. I want to tell you how I feel." I suggested, hearing Ian scoff.

"Says the man who admitted on his wedding day that not everybody just gets to blurt out how they fuckin' feel every minute." Ian laughed.

"Please. Can we meet up?" I asked.

"Under the L track. In 20." Ian sighed before hanging up.


As promised, I met Mickey under the L track, staying away from him.

"What's up?" I asked, rolling my eyes.

"Ian, I'm so sorry. I regret choosing my father over you. I regret basically asking you to be my mistress. I regret ever letting you go." Mickey blurted out, clearly trying not to cry.

"Well, life fuckin' sucks doesn't it? You made a choice and now you're dealing with the consequences." I laughed, pacing around the area.

"You know I couldn't just say no! My dad would've shot me point blank in the head if I even so much as showed any hesitation toward marrying Svetlana." Mickey argued back.

"Svetlana? That's the Russian's name? Holy shit. She sounds as bitchy as she looked." I scoffed, watching as Mickey tried to get closer to me.

"Look, Ian. I'm sorry that I put you through hell. I'm sorry that I didn't express my feelings the way I should have. I'm sorry that I let my father win, but I'm here now. I'm here trying to reconcile with you, because honestly, my life without you has sucked. Being married to Svetlana has sucked so far." Mickey admitted.

"We really are two sides of the same coin." I smiled, finally realising it.

"What the fuck you talkin' about?" Mickey asked, puzzled.

"You and I are two sides of the same coin. The coin represents the Southside. On one hand, you have your family, the Milkovich family, and on the other hand, you have my family, the Gallagher family. We come from the same place, we act basically the same, but because of our family names, we seem different." I admitted, Mickey looking at me with no sense of understanding.

"The fuck? You and I are totally different, Ian." Mickey rolled his eyes.

"Are we really that different? We're both gay. We both have shitty fathers and shitty siblings. No one understands us and sometimes, they don't even try. Our dads, they result to violence, drugs and alcohol whenever they can't handle something, and when they can, the only thing they care about is themselves. You and me, we both want to be happy, but we can't because we share a common enemy; your dad. Tell me I'm wrong. Prove to me, Mickey Milkovich, that I am wrong." I waited for a response, but nothing. Mickey stood there, looking at me dumbfounded, clearly trying to think of anything, with no success.

"That's what I thought." I scoffed, walking away. As I got closer to my house, I noticed that a few of Mickey's siblings had been sitting in a very old car, watching Mickey and I talk under the L track. Not giving a shit anymore, I flipped them off before running inside my house.

Two sides of the same coin//GallavichWhere stories live. Discover now