13: Face off

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No one hurts a Gallagher and gets away with it. When I saw the horrific injuries that Ian had sustained when messing with Terry, my heart dropped and I was ready to kill any one of those hillbilly fuckers.

I stood outside the Gallagher house, watching as Lip, Carl, Frank, Ian, V, Kev and even Debbie grabbed weapons strewn all over the house.

"Let's kill some red-neck motherfuckers." Carl smirked as we walked in a group one block over, eventually reaching the Milkovich residence.

"MILKOVICH!" I screamed as we all stopped at the Milkovich house, Ian standing behind us, as to not anger Terry.

"Ahh, look who it is. Mr Faggot and his faggot family." Terry smirked as he exited his house, reaching the gate that separated his yard from the path.

"You really fucked up if you thought that you could get away with assaulting Ian." Frank stood up for Ian, making my heart drop. He had never stood up for any of us before. Even though Ian wasn't his son, Frank was sure acting like it.

"Oh, and what are you going to do about it, huh? Challenge me to a drinking contest?" Terry laughed.

I stood to the back of my family's group huddle, watching as Mickey opened the window curtain, a sad look on his face. When he saw me, he smiled, but then he closed the curtains again.

"You ever touch Ian again, and you won't live to see the sunrise." Lip threatened, cocking his gun.

"Well, you should tell your faggot of a brother to stop fucking Mickey." My heart dropped. Everyone, including Lip, looked at me, shocked. Feeling a rush of emotions, I ran off, heading back home.

"Yeah, run home, you little queer ass-fucker!" Terry yelled as I escaped the embarrassment I had just felt.

When I got to my room, I slammed the door shut and jumped into my bed, feeling my phone buzz. I answered the call and was somewhat happy to find out that Mandy was on the other end of the call.

"I mean, look at Mickey, marrying some whore he knocked up." Mandy laughed. We had been on the phone for 20 minutes, and the rest of my family still weren't home.

"What?" My heart dropped. Mickey was marrying some woman?

When Mandy told me about Mickey, my heart started hurting. It had been less than a couple of hours since Terry caught Mickey and I. Was Mickey really being forced to marry someone?

"Is Mickey seriously getting married?" I asked, Mandy scoffing.

"Yeah. Like, in a couple of weeks." Mandy laughed.

"Jesus. To who?" I rolled my eyes, wishing I could see Mandy's reaction.

"Well, I think she's the woman who's been hanging around the house for a few hours. She's wearing a purple dress." When Mandy told me her description, my heart sank. Mickey was being forced to marry the same woman who was told to fuck him until he wasn't gay anymore.

"So why's he marrying her?" I asked, confused.

"She's knocked up." Mandy reiterated.

"So? I don't get it. What, is your dad making him?" I knew the answer to my own question, but I wanted a concrete response from Mandy.

"I don't know. Why do you give a shit?" Mandy asked as I rolled over, putting my phone to my other ear.

"I'm just really confused..." I closed my eyes and listened to Mandy.

"Y'know, I heard everything that my dad said about you and Mickey. I know that you two had been seeing each other. I kind of understand why you care so much." Mandy spoke. I heard someone coming up the stairs, so I got up and ended the call with Mandy. When Lip entered the room, he made sure to close and lock the door so we could just talk.

"He's marrying some random Russian chick." I blurted out, watching as Lip's face dropped.

"Holy shit. Ian, you're in some serious trouble." Lip pulled me in for a hug as I cried, unable to believe that my recently confirmed boyfriend was being forced to marry some woman that he was forced to fuck less than 24 hours ago.

"How did you find out...about y'know, Mickey and the marriage?" Lip asked, confused.

"Mandy. She called me and told me, having heard what her father said about me and Mickey." I admitted, feeling sick.

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