32: One year later

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"Yep, one foot in front of the other. There you go." Mickey smiled as he held my left arm, making sure I had enough support.

It had been a year since I was in hospital. At first, I was wheeled around, but then I was allowed to use a walker after about 8 months. Now, I can walk without a walker, but Mickey is still helping me around, making sure that my legs don't buckle under the pressure of my body.

"Can I let go now?" Mickey asked as I nodded.

He moved away from me slowly, only a few feet away. I moved one foot in front of the other, slowly walking toward the kitchen table as Fiona made some dinner.

"Keep going, Ian! You're nearly there!" Fiona cheered me on, clapping. When my hand touched one of the chairs, my heart relaxed as I allowed myself to slowly and carefully sit down.

"Wow, Ian! You're really getting around! How far was it this time?" Mandy asked as Mickey placed a kiss on my forehead.

"From the doorway to the kitchen table." I informed Mandy, who smiled.

"Oh, really? What's next? Up the stairs?" Debbie asked as she entered the kitchen, a smile plastered on her face.

"Maybe, if Ian's lucky." Mickey smiled, sitting down next to me.

As Mandy held a beer in her hand, a knock sounded through the first floor of the house, confusing everyone.

"I'll get it." I spoke.

"Are you sure?" Debbie, asked, concerned.

"Yes, I'm sure." I got up from the table and slowly made my way to the front door, using other objects to help support my legs.

Eventually getting to the front door, I opened it, seeing Svetlana, her hair red and her tits out, like always. Yevgeny was on her hip, sleeping.

"Svetlana?" I asked, barely recognising her.

"I know Mickey is here. Let me see him." Svetlana hissed as Mickey walked to the front door confused.

"What the fuck are you doin' here?" I moved out of Mickey's way so that he could talk to Svetlana.

"I need help. Help from you." Svetlana tried to get in, but Mickey stopped her.

"Why the fuck would I help you? You're a Russian whore." Mickey rolled his eyes.

"I was also your wife. Doesn't that get me a bit of leeway?" Svetlana pushed past Mickey, gently putting Yevgeny down on the couch.

"No, it doesn't. You were my wife, yes, but you trapped me into a marriage on the basis of Yevgeny being my son, which, surprise surprise, he wasn't. So, if you and your bastard of a baby don't get the fuck out of this house, I promise, I will make Yevgeny an orphan." Mickey threatened as Fiona stepped in, getting Mickey far away from Svetlana.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. We are not making anyone an orphan." Fiona rolled her eyes.

"Look, bastard. All I need is money. 5 grand at most. Then, I'll be gone, for good." Svetlana begged. She had a black trash bag full of clothes.

"If you think that I'm really going to give 5 grand to a back-stabbing bitch, then you're really fuckin' stupid." Mickey laughed as Svetlana sat down, putting Yevgeny on her lap.

"You want me gone, don't you? All you need to do is give me 5 grand." Svetlana smirked.

"Oh, yeah. I'll be happy to give you 5 grand...when pigs fly, bitch." I hissed.

"Fuck you, Milkovich!" Svetlana yelled, clearly upset.

"Fuck you too!" I flipped her off, watching as Ian gradually made his way up the stairs, Mandy walking just behind him.

I walked up the stairs, meeting Ian at the top. I smiled with joy as Ian managed to get up the stairs, his hands against the walls to prevent him from falling.

"What are we going to do about Svetlana?" Mandy asked as she watched Ian enter his room.

"I don't give two fucks about Svetlana. Fiona can throw her out onto the street for all I care." I hissed, keeping an eye on Ian.

"My only focus is making sure that Ian is okay." I informed Mandy, who smiled.

I stood by the door, Ian sitting down onto his bed. I listened as Svetlana and Fiona argued in the kitchen.

"That's it." I grabbed my phone, dialling a number.

For the next hour, I talked to the police about Svetlana. Yeah, maybe it was a dick move, but she had been a lot worse to me before we divorced. Before long, I watched as Svetlana was arrested and Yevgeny was taken away. Luckily, no one was around to witness the arrest.

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