9: Another moment...or two

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You know you have a good boss, when he knows you're gay, he's insinuated wanting to fuck you, you rejected him and he respected your boundaries. That's the kind of boss that Kash is.

Kash and I kissed one time. When I told him that I wasn't interested, he accepted that. We slowly became friends after that.

"So, you have someone that you're seeing?" Kash asked.

In all honesty, I sometimes let all my emotions out to Kash. It's not like he knows anyone in my family or friend group. Why was I confiding in Kash, a grown man who's married with kids? Well, I feel like I can tell him things without receiving judgment.

"Yes...kinda. We have a weird relationship. I'm helping his sister study..." I smiled, putting some product on the shelves.

"Really-" Before Kash could continue, I watched as Mickey entered the store, heading for the shelves. He picked up a few things before taking them to the counter. He picked up a cardboard box from the counter, emptying it before putting his items inside.

"Oh, heads up, man. You're out of barbecue Pringles." Mickey smirked at Kash, taking the food. He left the store, a smile on his face.

"Hey, did Mickey pay for that?" I asked as Kash glanced away, a look of guilt on his face.

"You have to stand up to him, Kash." I rolled my eyes, feeling slightly sorry for him, knowing that he couldn't really stand up to Mickey Milkovich.

"What the hell was I supposed to say?" Kash asked, confused.

"How about "Cut out the shit or I'll call the cops?" I suggested.

"I tried that once with his father." Kash sighed, leaning back in his chair.

"Mickey's father is in prison now, all right?" I walked over to the register, looking at Kash, reassuring him.

"I don't need any new enemies." Kash scoffed.

"What, so you're just going to let him keep coming in here, and take what he wants?" I asked, shocked.

"It's the cost of doing business." He rolled his eyes before we both got back to work.


Getting to work the next day, I noticed that Kash wasn't around. Of course, that meant that I had to run the store until he got back, but my day got better when Mickey entered the shop, not going for any food item, but instead walking over to me.

"Follow me, bitch." Mickey instructed. I got out of my seat and followed him to the freezer, opening the door.

"Drop your pants." He spoke. We both dropped our pants, Mickey's hands going around the bars that kept the shelves from collapsing. Within a few minutes, I was fucking Mickey, our bodies roughly banging against each other. The rack in front of Mickey was shaking. I wrapped my hands around Mickey's, being able to see the slight smile on his face.

After a few minutes or so, we had stopped. I pulled out, watching as Mickey turned around and planted a kiss on my lips before pulling up his pants.

"Mickey, can I ask you a favour?" I asked, Mickey rolling his eyes.

"What?" Mickey asked as we walked out of the freezer.

"Can you please stop robbing Kash?" I glanced away, Mickey laughing at my request.

"Just because we're fuck-buddies, doesn't mean I'm gonna start doing favours for you. You must be fucking insane if you think that we're boyfriend and girlfriend. You're nothing but a warm mouth to me." Mickey hissed as he left the store.

I felt hurt by his rejection. To know that he didn't really like me, and was most likely using me just to fuck, made my heart drop. I continued to work, my mind constantly being reminded of what Mickey had said.

As I walked home after work, I plugged my headphones into my phone and played the first song that came to mind. The song played for a minute or two, before a popular lyric came on, my heart needing to release some pent-up sadness. This song perfectly represented how I felt about Mickey.

"You go down just like Holy Mary. Mary on a, Mary on a cross." I started singing, feeling like a weight lifted off my shoulders.

"Your beauty never ever scared me. Mary on a, Mary on a cross." I sang, feeling slightly better than I had before.

As I walked, I felt a hand land on my shoulder before I was turned around, a kiss being planted on my lips in the middle of a dark alleyway.

When I left Kash and Grab, I didn't intend to hurt Ian's feelings. I'm willing to admit that telling him that he was nothing but a warm mouth to me was wrong. He wasn't just a warm mouth. He was one of the only people in my life who wasn't afraid of me. I walked down alleyways for hours, wondering if I should go and apologise to Ian. I didn't mean what I said, and I felt like an asshole for saying it.

As I walked down a specific alleyway, I noticed a figure walking in the same direction. They had headphones on and they were listening to a song.

"You go down just like Holy Mary. Mary on a, Mary on a cross." I could recognise that voice anywhere. I smiled knowing that Ian was standing only a few feet in front of me.

"Your beauty never ever scared me. Mary on a, Mary on a cross." My heart dropped. Ian was most likely singing about me. I saw how he looked at me before when I left the store.

Walking behind Ian, I put my hand on his shoulder and turned him around, not hesitating to kiss him in the middle of the dark alleyway.

Ian pulled away from me, his eyes widening. He smiled when he realised that I was the one that kissed him.

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