25: Pent up emotions

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Hearing that Ned disobeyed me and saw Ian, I wanted him dead, which is exactly what I intended to do, with or without help. I ran upstairs and pulled a metal box out from under Ian's bed.

"Uh, what is that?" Fiona asked, confused.

"What?" I smiled.

"Mickey, that metal box that you just pulled out from under Ian's bed. What is it?" Fiona repeated herself.

"It's a weapons box." I explained.

"A weapons b- Why the fuck do you need a weapons box?" Fiona looked at me like I had just broken the law.

"I need it, because I'm gonna use some of the shit inside to end Ned's life." I smirked, grabbing a few guns and knives.

"Since when did you have some many weapons in the first place?" Fiona asked, confused.

"Fiona. You need to understand that Mickey and I come from the Milkovich family. In our house, there was at least 5 weapons in every room, two full closets full of weapons and even more in our cars. We live on the Southside. You'd be a fucking idiot if you thought you could get around without bearing arms." Mandy spoke up.

"You guys are insane. We had one gun, maybe two, a few knives and throwing stars. All of that ended up with Carl." Fiona gasped.

"Jesus. You Gallaghers were really fucked if anyone tried to break in." I scoffed.

"Well, we didn't have as many enemies as you Milkoviches. Frank had most of them and even then, our problems mainly focused on having enough money to pay the bills." Debbie laughed.

"So, what? Am I gonna kill Ned on my own...or?" I asked, holding up three guns.

"I'll drive. I'm not killing anyone but I just want you to be safe." Fiona smiled.

"Fine by me." I smirked, running down the stairs as Mandy brought some more weapons.

"What exactly did Ned do anyway?" Fiona asked, curious. We got into her car, counting our weapons.

"He tried to sexually assault Ian. I thought that threatening him once would have done the job, but apparently, the wrinkled fuck needs a little more...encouragement." I hissed.

"How are you gonna do it?" Fiona questioned me.

"Y'know, honestly, I'd rather tie him up and make the pain last, but I don't wanna draw too much attention to our little...adventure. So, I was thinking that we...possibly roofie him, give him a little electroshock therapy, and then we'll...I don't know...shoot him?" I looked at Mandy who smirked.

"Jesus Mickey. You love this don't you?" Fiona tried to keep her eyes on the road.

"Yes. Yes I do. He fucked with Ian and directly disobeyed me. That would earn him at least 24 hours worth of pain. But the less time I spend with his fucked-up ass, the better. So, instead of my previous plan. Mandy and I will get in, shoot him, throw his body out an open window and get out." I smirked, Mandy and I getting out of Fiona's car.

Getting inside the building, we made it to Ned's apartment, Mandy going first.

"Hi, are you the same Ned that tried to sexually assault my best friend, Ian Gallagher?" Mandy asked, looking somewhat insane.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Ned responded.

"Wrong answer, fuckhead." I groaned, watching as Mandy, with gloves on, grabbed and held Ned against a wall. I put a gun to the side of his head and pulled the trigger. We watched as he died instantly.

"Let's get him out the window before anything happens." I rushed Mandy. We got the window fully open and threw Ned's body out.

"That was easy...and fun." Mandy smiled as we exited the apartment and the building itself.

"How'd it go?" Fiona asked.

"Police will think that he committed suicide before throwing himself out the window." Mandy laughed as we drove off, heading back to the house.

As we drove, my heart was racing. But this time, it was different. It wasn't racing from excitement or even from ending the life of a prick. It was racing because I realised that my dad had turned me into a homicidal maniac.

"Mick? You alright?" I looked at Mandy, who had exited the car.

"Don't worry about it." I got out of the car, running inside the house. I ran upstairs and walked into Ian's room. For the first time ever, I, Mickey Milkovich, was regretting my actions.

"We're fucked." I noticed that Mandy had come up the stairs and into the room.

"Tell me something I don't know." Mandy smirked.

"Seriously, Mandy. We just killed someone and for the first time ever, I feel regret. All our lives, our dad, he killed so many people and he taught us that killing people would be the only way to get out of shitty situations. I mean, I can't even count the amount of people I've killed." I broke down, Mandy giving me a hug.

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