24: Finally free

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Mickey wheeled me into the kitchen. I looked at Fiona, who sighed.

"So, Mickey. What happens to Svetlana now that you and her are no longer married?" Fiona asked, confused.

"Yeah, isn't Svetlana a Russian immigrant?" Carl asked, smirking.

"And more importantly, isn't she illegal?" Mandy mentioned.

"Yep. I think there are two options for her. One, she finds some other unsuspecting victim who would be willing to marry her, and deal with all the legal shit, as well as dealing with a kid. Or two, she gets deported back to Ukraine." Mickey smiled.

"And let me guess. You're hoping for the second option?" Carl laughed.

"Fuck yeah! Svetlana trapped me in a marriage built on bullshit. She continuously lied to me and forced me to tolerate her in exchange for not ratting me and Ian out to my dad, who is now dead, thank god." Mickey smirked.

"Mickey, please don't tell me that you're gonna think of a way to get Svetlana deported?" Fiona groaned.

"Ha, no way. I don't have any clue how to get her deported." Mickey smiled.

"Anyway, onto some better news, Ian has something that he'd like to say." Debbie smiled as she looked at me.

"I remembered something yesterday." I smiled, everyone looking at me with smiles.

"You did! What?!" Fiona got excited, sitting down across from me.

"M- Mickey...defended me..." I looked up at Mickey, who smiled.

"I did? What did I defend you from?" He grinned, sipping his coffee.

"Ned." I sighed.

"Hold up, who the fuck is Ned?" Fiona looked confused.

"Shit, that's the first thing you remember?" Mickey chuckled.

"Ned was some guy that I was fucking...and from what I remember, I tried to end things with him and he didn't let me go, so I told Mickey and he dealt with him." I explained.

"And what led you to remember this?" Mickey asked, confused.

"H- He came here. Ned came here." I revealed.

"Son of a bitch." Mickey hissed.

"What? What's wrong?" Fiona asked, looking at Mickey.

"I told that fuckhead to never come around here again. I believe my words were "Thirdly, if you ever speak to Ian, try to contact Ian or even look at Ian again, I will rip out your tongue, cut off every single one of your fingers, and I will gouge your eyes out. Understand, fuckhead?" But of course, fuckhead didn't listen." Mickey scoffed.

"Mickey, don't." Mandy knew what he was going to do. As for me, I looked at Mickey, who rolled his eyes and left the kitchen.

"That fuckhead disobeyed me and came here! He came to this fuckin' house and saw Ian. Was anyone here?" Mickey asked.

"I was." Carl explained.

"What happened when Ned was here?" Mickey asked, curious.

"Ian, what the heck happened to you?" I looked up at the weird man, confused. I looked around at all the wires and tubes connected to my body.

"Who...are you?" I asked, looking around.

"Cut the crap, Ian. Just because you hate me, doesn't mean you can just pretend like you don't know who I am." The man bent down, his hand holding mine. I started to feel sick. He was giving me weird vibes and I wanted him gone.

As much as I wanted to wave at the boy, knowing that he had his headphones in, I couldn't, so I tried desperately to remember his name.

"Calvin! Cameron! Carlos! CARL!" I yelled 3 different names before finally getting the boy's name.

He looked up from his phone and entered the living-room.

"Get the fuck out, Ned. Ian doesn't want you here." Carl threatened.

"Ian can speak for himself, little Gallagher." The man, who I now knew was Ned, smirked.

"Not when he doesn't remember you." Carl hissed before Ned rolled his eyes and left the house, Carl giving me a smile before heading back to the kitchen.

I explained the encounter with Ned to Fiona, Debbie, Mickey and Mandy.

"If I went to kill Ned, would any of you pussies join me?" Mickey asked.

"Obviously not you, Ian." Mickey smirked.

"Mickey, no. If you get caught killing Ned, that's jail time for you." Fiona objected.

"Well guess what, Fiona. Milkoviches don't get caught, so killing him won't be an issue." Mickey smiled.

"I'm in. Fucker messed with Ian, so he's dead to me." Mandy smirked.

"Well, if you two want to go all Milkovich murderers on him, be my guest." Fiona rolled her eyes.

"Milkovich murderers? What the fuck kinda name is that?" Debbie laughed.

"It's a name that describes the kids of Terry Milkovich, kids who don't have any issue with homicide." Fiona chuckled before wheeling me to the couch.

"Well, she's not wrong." Carl laughed as Mickey sighed, Mandy following him upstairs.

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