It's official

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Disclaimer, I don't own glee


It was around 10:00 at night when Kurt had finally spoke up.

" much as I like lying here, I really need to get home. I don't want my dad to worry."

Blaine nodded his head. "Yeah, of course. I understand babe, don't worry."

They quickly cleaned up there small picnic, and loaded everything, including themselves into the car. The ride back was mostly quiet, but not an awkward silence. One of Kurt's hands were on the consul, and Blaine grabbed it with his other hand. Kurt looked up and smiled.

"Blaine?" Kurt quietly said.

"Yeah babe?" Blaine responded.

"I just wanted to tell you that...I had a really nice time tonight and that... I can't remember the last time I smiled this much. So thank you." Kurt told him. Blaine pulled over on the side of the road.

"Oh Kurt-" Blaine said, but stopped him self and just decided to grab Kurt's face and kiss him. Kurt's arms flung around Blaine's neck. Some how they had maneuvered themselves to the back of the car. Blaine was lying across the seat, and Kurt was lying on top of him. Their lips moved together perfectly. Blaine's hands were on Kurt's lower back and Kurt had his hands resting on Blaine's chest. After they kissed for a while, Kurt slowly pulled his lips off of Blaine's. The dark headed boy leaned up to kiss Kurt again, but did not find his lips there, only air.

"What's wrong babe?" Blaine asked worried.

"Nothing's wrong. I just need to breath Blaine." Kurt said smirking. Blaine laughed.

"Right,..sorry." He said. Blaine absentmindedly moved his hand through Kurt's hair, while Kurt stayed lying across Blaine with his chin resting on his hand. "I guess I have to bring you home now?" Blaine sadly asked.

"Sadly. But I'll see you Monday, and I'll text you tomorrow." Kurt said.


They moved back to the front of the car, and Blaine continued the drive back to Kurt's house. When they pulled at the end of the street Kurt gave Blaine a small glance.

"So I guess I'll see you later." Blaine said. Kurt nodded his head.

"I'll text you?" Kurt asked

"Ok. Bye Kurt." Blaine said.

"Bye Blaine." Kurt said with a small smirk. With that Kurt got out of the car and began walking down the street to his house. Blaine waited until he saw Kurt's figure in the distance walk up his drive way, before he drove away.

When Kurt walked into the house he noticed that a couple of people were there. It was the guys from glee club. Burt and Carole weren't anywhere to be seen. Finn walked out of the living room and nearly crashed into Kurt.

"Woah! Sorry dude I didn't see you." Finn apologized.

"No, it's fine." Kurt assured him.

"You didn't buy anything?" Finn questioned. Kurt raised an eyebrow and stared at Finn like he was crazy.

"What are you talking about?" Kurt asked.

"At the mall, you didn't buy anything?" Finn repeated. Kurt then remembered about his 'cover up'.

"Oh.. Yeah no, things were pretty pricey and I would have rather save up so I could get more." Kurt lied.

"Alright, well if you wanna hang out you can, the guys aren't leaving until later. Oh and Burt and my Mom went out to eat so they will be back later." Finn explained.

Hidden Love (Klaine, BadBoy!Blaine)Where stories live. Discover now