Epilogue: Part 2

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5 years later....

Blaine and Kurt Anderson stood in their kitchen cooking up a gourmet breakfast for their three year old daughter, Tracy. Walking on Sunshine blasted through the living room stereo. Blaine stood by the stove, shaking his hips to the beat of the song, making blueberry pancakes as Kurt pressed the coffee. Tracy danced in her seat while watching her fathers cook.

"I used to think maybe you loved me, now, baby, I'm sure. And I just can't wait till the day when you knock on my door " Kurt sang.

"Now every time I go for the mailbox, gotta hold myself down.'Cause I just can't wait till you write me you're coming around" Blaine sang as he flipped the last pancake. Kurt then poured Tracy a glass of orange juice before all three of them burst out..

Now I'm walking on sunshine, whoa

I'm walking on sunshine, whoa

I'm walking on sunshine, whoa

And don't it feel good

Hey, all right now

And don't it feel good

Hey, yeah

Blaine carried the plate of pancakes to the table as Kurt lowered the stereo. Kurt then brought the plate of bacon to the table as well. Tracy grabbed a few pancakes for herself as Kurt cut them.

"So Trac, did Daddy order your costume?" Blaine asked as he ate his breakfast.

"Mmmhhhmm. I'm gonna be Wendy Adams!" Tracy smiled.

"Oh! That's nice." Blaine responded.

"Daddy also ordered your costume!" The toddler excitedly informed her father.

Blaine's eyebrows raised. "My costume!?" He questioned. He then turned to his husband. "Kurt?"

Kurt sat down at the table. "Yeah! I thought you and I could dress like vampires to go along with Trac's costume." He smiled.

Blaine shrugged. "Alright." He chuckled.

"This has been the best morning ever!" Tracy suddenly said with a mouthful of food.

"I thought yesterday was the best morning ever?" Blaine asked.

"Well I lied." Tracy joked. Kurt and Blaine chuckled at their daughter. Suddenly the phone started to ring.

"Oh, I'll get it." Blaine said, getting up from the table. "Hello?"

"Blaine!? It's Puck. Quinn-she's having the baby!" Puck quickly told Blaine.

"Oh my God! Right now?" Blaine asked, turning to face Kurt. Kurt turned his head away from cleaning Tracy's face to look at Blaine.

"Yeah. Right now! We're getting in the car. I gotta go! I'll see you at the hospital!" Puck rushed out before hanging up the phone.

"Kurt, that was Puck...Quinn's having the baby!" Blaine told his husband.

"Oh gosh! We have to hurry! Grab her sweater!" Kurt said. He stood up from his seat and helped his daughter out of her's. Blaine grabbed Tracy's sweater and helped her in it. Kurt slipped on Tracy's shoes, before grabbing him and Blaine their sweaters. Blaine picked up their daughter as they rushed out of the building. They quickly hailed a cab and were on their way to the hospital.

Quinn was going into labor with Kurt and Blaine's second child. When Kurt and Blaine were ready for kids, they asked Quinn if she would be their surrogate and she was more then happy to agree.     Quinn and Blaine were the biological parents to Tracy. Kurt and Quinn were going to be this baby's biological parents.

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