Hit after Hit

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Disclaimer I don't own glee


Sadly the long weekend was over, and it was time to head back to school. So all the students attending McKinley High were dragging their tired body to school. For the glee club students, today was hopefully going to be a good day. They were holding auditions to see if any new members would be joining the club. Sectionals was in a few weeks, and the current members had been practicing like crazy. When they heard that Santana and Brittany weren't coming back to help them at all, things started to go down hill. Sam and Mike also quit the club a few weeks ago saying that they wanted to help 'protect' their friends. That's why they decided to hold the tryouts. Kurt was currently at his locker grabbing his needed materials for his first couple of periods. He felt a strong arm slide around his waist. He spun around and a smile lit up on his face.

"Sup sexy." Blaine roughly whispered. Kurt hummed in pleasure and stepped closer to him. Their chests were pressed together. Just when they were about to kiss Mercedes and Rachel walked over to Kurt's locker.

"Hey white boys." Mercedes greeted. Kurt bit his lower lip and looked over to his friends. Rachel giggled when she saw Kurt's face. He was trying not to look to annoyed.

"Hello ladies. How can I help you?" Kurt asked bitterly. Blaine kept his gaze on Kurt the whole time. His eyes were dark.

"We just wanted to double check and see if you were staying after school today for auditions?" Rachel hopefully questioned. Kurt nodded his head. "Yes!" Rachel squealed. "Ok Kurt, we'll see you later." And with that the two girls walked away smirking back at their friend. Kurt turned his attention back to Blaine, who was smirking. 

"Where were we?" Kurt asked. Blaine wiggled his dark eyebrows and brought his lips to Kurt's. It wasn't a big kiss, just a small peck. They were in school after all, and they didn't wan't to have to deal with the neanderthals. 

"Come on. I'll walk you to class." Blaine offered. Kurt smiled and closed his locker. He then hooked his arm with Blaine's, and together they walked to class. 

So far the day was going pretty well. Surprisingly, Kurt had only gotten shoved twice and not even one slushy. He was currently walking down the hall to get to gym class. Once he reached the locker room he made his way to his gym locker. He took his clothes out and quickly changed. He exited the locker room and entered the gym. Santana was in his gym class, but she rarely ever showed up and when she did she completely ignored Kurt. But today she walked over to him and pulled him over to the side.

"Listen Kurt, I just wanted to apologize about the whole 'not coming back to glee club' thing. It's just too much to handle right now. Also it was Quinn's idea not to come back. But we will still see you at lunch right?" She said. Kurt nodded his head. "Great well, I gotta go. Puckerman's waiting." And with that she disappeared out of gym. Kurt watched her walk out and then turned to go sit with Finn and Tina. 

The school day quickly came to an end. Blaine was walking to Kurt's locker. He knew that Kurt was going to be busy with glee but he wanted to talk to him a bit before he had to go. He watched Kurt from a little distance. He watched as his boyfriend neatly put his books into his satchel, and how perfect he looked doing it. When Kurt closed his locker Blaine walked over to him. Kurt smiled.

"Hey baby." He grinned. 


They shared a quick kiss, and started down the hall way. 

"Look, I know you're going to be busy today, but I was wondering if maybe after all this you wanted to hang out?" Blaine questioned. 

"Well I have to see. It all depends on how long this is going to last, and we might need to jump right into practicing for sectionals. But, yes, I would love to." Kurt told him. They reached the auditorium. "I'll text you when I can. I love you." 

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