One step forward, two steps back

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Disclaimer I don't own glee


Sea foam blue eyes met with golden hazel. Kurt eyes flicker down at Blaine's perfect pink lips. Blaine slowly brought hips face closer to Kurt's. Kurt let his eyes flutter shut, and he tilted his head. Blaine let his hand reach for Kurt's check. Their noses grazed and lips were about to connect when suddenly the auditorium door clicked. Kurt's eyes shot open and Blaine cleared his throat. They turned to see who entered. There stood Rachel. Kurt stood from the piano bench and whipped the invisible dust off of his pants. Rachel began walking closer to the stage.

"Oh, sorry. I didn't know the auditorium was being used." The brunette girl apologized.

"No-no. It's fine. We were just finishing up." Blaine told her.

"I-uh-...I gotta go. Good rehearsal though." Kurt stuttered.

"Uh..yeah. I'll see you tomorrow?" Blaine asked.

Kurt nodded and gave a small smile. He gathered his things and walked off the stage, just as Rachel walked on. Rachel waited for Kurt to exit before turning to Blaine.

"Did you kiss!?" She intrigued. Blaine let out a sigh and began gathering his things.

"No. I mean we were about to-I think-until you walked in." Blaine said.

"Oh, sorry." Rachel apologized. "You didn't do anything to pressure him into kissing you did you? As much as I want you to back together, hurting Kurt is not ok."

"No, Rachel. I didn't pressure him into doing anything. Look this was a nice chat but I really must be going." Blaine informed her.

"Ok, well I'll see you in glee."

Blaine nodded and walked off the stage, and exited the auditorium.


Kurt pulled into the driveway and walked inside. He took off his coat and hung it on the coat rack. He slide off his shoes and placed his satchel on the floor. The house was fairly quiet. He walked towards the kitchen to find his father and Carole sitting at the table, not saying a word. There was a white envelope on the table. Kurt carefully walked in closer.

"Is everything ok?" Kurt asked. Carole smiled.

"Have a seat kid." Burt said. Kurt raised and eyebrow and sat down.

"What's going on?" Kurt questioned.

"Nothing, we just- we want you to know that no matter what it says," Burt said, sliding the white envelope over to him. "Carole and I are here for you."

Kurt stared down at the envelope. "I-is this..?"

"It came in the male around 2." Burt told his son. "Go on. Open it."

Kurt flipped the envelope over and read the words New York Academy of Dramatic Arts. He slowly slid his finger under the seal. Burt and Carole grabbed each other's hands. Kurt pulled out a piece of paper.

Hidden Love (Klaine, BadBoy!Blaine)Where stories live. Discover now