Brotherly Love

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Hey guys, sorry i've been gone for a while but I'm back now so yay. ok hope you enjoy

Disclaimer: I Don't own glee


Kurt was speeding down the block. Once he pulled into the driveway, he ran into the house. He threw his bag on the ground and slipped off his shoes. Finn peeked his head around the corner. "Dude where were you! It's 7 o'clock and I'm hungry!" Finn complained to his brother.

Kurt didn't want to tell him that he was at Blaine's so he had to think quick. "I was with Mercedes." He said.

"No you weren't, I called her and she told me you were with Rachel." Finn responded.

"Oh yeah, I was," Kurt lied.

"I called Rachel and she said you weren't with her either." Finn replied. "Why are you lying to me!" He shouted.

This took Kurt by surprise and he jumped back. "Finn, calm down! You're overreacting. It's not what you think." Kurt answered, defending himself.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Finn questioned.

Kurt looked away from Finn, avoiding his angry stare. "Nothing, just forget about it." Kurt brushed off.

"No, something's bothering you, I can tell." Finn responded with a concerned look on his face.

Kurt tried his best to hold back his forming tears. He couldn't do this in front of Finn, not now. Sure something was bothering him, but he was not about to tell Finn.

"Could you just forget Finn, please." Kurt pleaded to his brother. 

"No, Kurt. Tell me right now! I'm your brother. I'm supposed to be there for you and to help you!" Finn yelled, starting to get really angry now. Why wouldn't Kurt tell him?

"Look, Finn, it doen't matter ok!? Just leave it alone!" Kurt yelled back. He couldn't hold back his tears, and made a run for the stairs but Finn grabbed him the second he reached the step. "Damn it!" Kurt mumbled to himself. 

"What the hell dude!?" Finn said still keeping a hold on Kurt. Kurt squirmed trying to pull out of his grip, but it was no use. Finn picked Kurt up and threw him on the couch and sat on his legs. "Now, tell me whats wrong." Finn demanded.

"Well for one, your siting on me." Kurt teased causing little giggles to come from both of them. 

"Alright dude, really though. Whats the matter?" Finn asked getting serious again. 

"Finn, I don't think I'm ready to talk." Kurt told him honestly. 

"Kurt, I want to help you. I can't do that if you won't tell me. I know that something is wrong, so why woun't you tell me?" Finn asked him. 

"Fine. If I tell you, you need to swear to chesues that you won't tell ANYONE. Ok?" Kurt told him. 

"Ok, but if it's really bad I might tell Burt." Finn answered honestly. 

"Fine. Ok, so for starters, Karofsky and Azimio, won't leave me the hell alone. It's really hard to stay strong about it since they are always there, shoving me, calling me mean names, other stuff." Kurt said.

"That's it, i'm pounding their faces in tomorrow!" Finn said through gritted teeth and clenched fists.

"That's ok Finn, you don't need to do that, well not yet anyways. I think they got enough for today." Kurt said. This caused Finn to look at him suspiciously. 

"What do you mean they got enough for today?" Finn asked.

"That's what I still need to tell you. You know the new kid, Blaine?" Kurt asked. Finn nodded his head. "Well, he kind of beat the crap out of Karofsky today, so...." Kurt said with Finn interrupting. 

"Hold up! What are you doing with Blaine!? He isn't the exact person I imagine you being near and...... Holly crap, you were at Blaine's house weren't you!?" Finn asked, shocked.

'Yes Finn, now please shut up and don't tell anyone!" Kurt begged.

"Are you two screwing around?!" Finn asked Kurt, jumping up from the couch. He started pacing back and forth. Before Kurt could even say anything Finn started mumbling random things. "How dare he touch my little brother! Who does he think he is?! He dosen't know whats coming! That little..."

"FINN!" Kurt screamed getting his attention. "We are NOT screwing around. I went to his house to tutor him. And we might have made out a bit." Kurt said mumbling the last part. Finn started pacing again. "Now Finn please sit down before you ware a hole in the floor, and keep your mouth shut and don't tell anyone." Kurt told his brother. Finn looked at Kurt with shock still on his face and sat down on the couch. Kurt walked into the kitchen and started cooking dinner.


It had been a half hour since Kurt had left Blaine's house, and all Blaine could think about was Kurt. Cooper was going to be home soon so Blaine thought it would be a good idea to start dinner. "I'll just order out." Blaine spoke to himself. He called the pizza place and they said would be bringing the food soon. Blaine decided to watch some tv while he waited for Cooper. He went into the living room and started watching a football game. Half way into the game there was a sound coming from the front hallway. "Coop?" Blaine asked calling to his brother. 

"Hey squirt!" Cooper called back to Blaine as he walked into the living room. 

"Don't call me that." Blaine responded to Cooper, getting up from the couch and walking towards the kitchen where Copper now was.

"So bro what's for dinner? Why are you so happy? And are mom and dad home yet?" Cooper asked his brother.

"Pizza, I'll explain, and no." Blaine told him. Copper nodded his head and gestured his hand out for Blaine to 'explain'. "I'm happy because I met the most beautiful, sexy,handsome and perfect man in the whole  world." Blaine told his brother. "His names Kurt and he has the prettiest eyes ever." Blaine continued. 

"So you really like this kid, huh?" Cooper asked. Blaine nodded his head. "So are you two like dating?" He asked.

"No. Well, not yet anyways." Blaine said. 

"DING DONG" The doorbell rang. "I'll get it!" Cooper said running to to door. Blaine got the plates out and sat back down in the living room and waited for his brother to come back with the food. Cooper walked back in the the Pizza box in his hand and say down on the couch with his brother. "Dig in bro!" Cooper said as he and Blaine grabbed their food.  


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