It's Complicated

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disclaimer, I don't own glee


Kurt woke up to strong arms around his waist. He got nervous at first, but then remembered that he slept over Blaine's house, and he would keep him safe. Kurt turned over in Blaine's arms. He smiled. Some of Blaine's curls had sprung out of it's gel helmet. He reached his hand up and pushed one of his curls behind his ear. Blaine's eyes fluttered open. Kurt pulled his hand away.

" 'Morning babe." Blaine mumbled.

Kurt awkwardly responded, "Good morning. What time is it?" Blaine leaned on his elbow and looked over Kurt's shoulder and the clock on his nightstand.

"It's 10:24." he told him. Kurt's eyes widened and he climbed out of the bed.

"Oh my dear god, I'm late for school. I've never been late to school. This is horrible..." Kurt started ranting as he paced back and forth. Blaine laughed out loud.

"Would you relax." Blaine sighed. "Get back in bed, it's still so early."

Kurt stood in the middle of the room staring in shock. "What do you mean it's so early. We're two hours late for school Blaine!" Kurt started pacing again. Blaine turned his head into his pillow, and smiled. He rolled out of bed and walked up behind Kurt and wrapped his arms around his waist. The taller boy stopped talking and stood in Blaine's arms.

"Hey Kurt?" He whispered. Kurt nodded his head. "Why don't you come back in bed with me and sleep some more."

"B-b-but what about school?" He asked desperately. Blaine spun Kurt around and held his hands.

"We'll go tomorrow. And you need this day off anyway. You always look so worn out." Blaine told him. Kurt didn't respond, he just looked at Blaine for a while.

A smirk formed on Kurt's face. "Is this your way of trying to cuddle with me again?"

Blaine giggled. "Maybe..?" The two teens smiled at each other. Blaine began walking backwards to the bed, pulling Kurt with him. They settled back in bed with Blaine spooning Kurt. "Is this ok?" Blaine asked. Kurt turned his head to look at the other boy. Hazel brown eyes locked with sea-foam blue.

"I--its fine." Kurt stuttered out. Blaine gave a small smile, and burred his head into Kurt's neck. This caused him to blush.

"Hey Blaine?" Kurt said in a hushed tone.


"You and me... what are we?" Kurt cautiously asked. Blaine picked his head up and rested it on top of Kurt's shoulder.

"Well....what do you want us to be?"

Kurt's breath hitched. He suddenly felt nervous. He wanted them to be something but what?

"I know that I am attracted to you, but I also know that you aren't one for settling down." Kurt rambled.

"Kurt, I would be lying if I didn't say that I have feelings for you. I have hurt people in my past, but I would never ever hurt you." Blaine admitted. Kurt stared into Blaine's eyes.

"I trust you. I want us to be together. But for now I think we should slow things down. I'm already a major target at school, and if one of those neanderthals see us so much has holding hands who knows what they'll do."

Blaine interjected, "I would protect you if they even dared to lay a finger on you."

" I know you would, and I think we should take some time and get to know each other more and see where that goes." Kurt said.

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