Out of Town

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disclaimer, I don't own glee


The two boys have been driving for an hour. 

"Hey Blaine?" Kurt asked. Blaine nodded his head. "Where exactly are we going?"

"Were going somewhere I used to go to." Blaine answered. Kurt just nodded his head and continued to stare out the window.  

Finally after a very long drive they pulled into a parking lot. Kurt looked up and saw a building. On the top there was a sign, 'Scandles'. "We're here." Blaine said.

"A bar? You took me to a bar. I'm not old enough to drink and neither are you!" Kurt argued annoyed. 

Blaine just laughed, and Kurt gave him his best bitch glare. "No one is old enough to drink that's why there are fake ids! Plus you really need a drink." Blaine told him. Kurt stared at Blaine. He really didn't want to go but he just wanted to forget everything that just happened. Kurt grunted and opened the car door. Blaine followed after Kurt and together they entered the building. 

"I'm only having one drink." Kurt stated. 

"Alright!" Blaine responded giggling. 

Blaine pulled out two fake ids and the two teens went through. Once they were inside Kurt saw that this wasn't just any bar. This was a gay bar. Kurt felt a little more comfortable knowing that he wouldn't be picked on for being gay. 

"So what do you want to drink?" Blaine asked him. 

"I'll have what ever you get. I'm not to familiar with the different drinks." Kurt told him. Blaine nodded his head and went on line to ordered them their drinks. While Kurt was waiting he saw a couple guys staring at him. Kurt moved closer to Blaine. He didn't like the way they were staring at him. With out really thinking, Blaine wrapped his arm around Kurt's waist and Kurt rested his head on Blaine's shoulder.  This didn't stop the boys from staring at him. One of them stood up and walked over to the bar and stood next to Kurt and Blaine. Kurt pulled his head up and turned around. He jumped when he saw one of the guys standing next to him. Blaine finished ordering the drinks and turned to see what Kurt was looking at. When Blaine saw the guy, he got annoyed. Why was this asshole next to Kurt. 

"Can I help you?" Blaine asked the guy. 

"No." The guy responded. He smirked at Kurt and walked away.

"Did that guy bother you?" Blaine asked. Kurt shook his head. Blaine didn't believe him, but let it go. There drinks were ready and Blaine grabbed them. "Here you go." Blaine said handing Kurt his drink. Kurt accepted his drink and took a sip of it. It was very strong. 

"What is this?! It's so strong" Kurt asked Blaine with a disgusted look on his face.

"White Lightening.You don't get anything stronger than this."Blaine responded. "Just drink it. You'll get used to it after a while." He said. Kurt brought the drink back to his lips and just drank it

One hour and four drinks later, Kurt was super drunk. Blaine only had that one drink because he didn't want to get drunk. He was already tipsy.

"Blaine! Blaine, come dance with me!" Kurt mumbled as he grabbed Blaine's hand and pulled him towards the center of the dance floor. Kurt started shaking his hips and moving his arms up in the air with the rhythm of the song. Blaine watched Kurt dance and he started giggling. 

He's so cute. Blaine thought. 

"Come on Blaine dance with me!" Kurt said. He started moving closer to Blaine. Beyonce's Diva was blasting through the speakers. Between the loud music, and the way Kurt was moving, the two teens wound up grinding in the center of the dance floor. Kurt's arms were wrapped around Blaine's neck. Blaine had his arms around Kurt's waist. They kept dancing through the night. 

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