When one door closes, another one opens

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Disclaimer, I don't own glee.


The next morning, Kurt woke up to Blaine's naked body pressed against him. Blaine's arms were wrapped tightly around Kurt's waist. The shorter teen spooned his boyfriend, and rested his chin on Kurt's shoulder. The light haired boy turned over in Blaine's arms. Kurt smiled at his boyfriends sleeping figure. He reached his hand up to move a stray curl out of Blaine's face. The dark haired boy's eyes fluttered open.

"Hi." Blaine's said, voice think with sleep.

"Good Morning." Kurt whispered.

Blaine glanced down at Kurt's naked body under the covers. "Good morning indeed." He flirted. Kurt giggled and playfully smacked his boyfriend's shoulder. Blaine lightly chuckled. "I don't know about you, but I'm starving." Blaine groaned, throwing the covers off and climbing out of the bed. Kurt smirked at his boyfriend's bare ass as Blaine began pulling on his boxers. The shorter teen turned around and caught Kurt starring. Blaine flirtatiously wiggled his eyebrows. "You comin?"

"Yes." Kurt stood up and pulled his underwear on as well. Blaine grabbed Kurt's hand and they walked downstairs to the kitchen.

"I can make you eggs, pancakes, an omelet, or-" Before Blaine could finish his sentence, he was cut off by the sight of his mother and father sitting at the table. "What are you two doing here? I thought you weren't going to be back until 5?" He asked his parents, confused.

"That's none of your business." Jake sternly said. "What's he doing here?"

"That's none your business." Blaine retorted.

Mr.Anderson stood up from his seat. "Actually, it is my business. This is my house." He answered. "I'll ask you again. Why is he here?"

"He's here because we had sex last night." Blaine replied.

"Blaine!" Kurt shrieked, turning to look at his boyfriend with wide eyes.

"What did you just say?" Jake angrily question, steeping closer to his son.

"You heard me." The curly haired boy sassed. "Kurt... and I... had SEX... last night." Blaine repeated.

Jake immediately swung at Blaine. Blaine ducked and punched his father. Kurt jumped back, frightened as tears began to well up in his eyes. Jake punched Blaine in the mouth.

"Jake! Stop it!" Pam screamed, jumping out of her seat and pulling her husband away from her son. Blaine dabbed at the blood on his lip. Kurt chocked out a sob at the sight of his wounded boyfriend. Mr.Anderson turned to look at Kurt before charging at him. Kurt tried to back away but his back came in contact with the wall behind him. Jake backhanded Kurt across the face with a loud crack. Kurt gasped.

"HEY!"Blaine shouted, running over to them. Kurt sobbed as he held his cheek.


"GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM HIM!" Blaine pushed his father away from Kurt. The shorter teen wrapped his arms protectively around his boyfriend. Kurt cried into his shoulder. Blaine pulled back a bit to get a look at Kurt's cheek. His pale skin was now a bright red. Blaine carefully touched the tender skin and rubbed the pad of his thumb across it. Pam held onto her husband's arm trying to keep him away from the teens.

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