4 boys... and a lot of beer later

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Disclaimer, I don't own glee.

Kurt stood there and watched Blaine disappear out of the building with the blonde boy.

Should I follow him? Should I...No! He's the one whose wrong here. Not me...right? Kurt thought to himself. He finally broke his gaze away from the exit, and turned around. He then sat down on the couch, and reached across the table for his bottle of beer.

"Oh, no! I think you've had enough alcohol for tonight, Kurt." Sebastian said, taking the glass bottle out of his hands. Kurt pouted, and tried to grab it out of his hand.

"Oh, come on! Just give it back Sebastian." Kurt whined. Sebastian shook his head.

"No Kurt. We've both had enough to drink, you especially."

Kurt stared at the warbler angry before turning away dramatically, and looking across the room. Sebastian got up and threw out the bottle of beer. On his way back he grabbed a water bottle for Kurt. He came back to the couch and sat down closer to Kurt.

"Here, drink this." Sebastian demanded, handing Kurt the clear bottle. Kurt carelessly took it and drank it. After Kurt had drank almost half the bottle, he cuddled into the couch. Sebastian noticed Kurt drifting off. "Hey Kurt? Do you want me to take you back to the hotel?" He offered.

Kurt rubbed his tired eyes and yawned. "I think I'm just gonna stay here until Blaine comes back." He slurred.

Sebastian licked his bottom lip. "Uh...Kurt..I don't think Blaine coming back here." He carefully told him. Kurt just stared blankly up at him.

"...Yeah...I know." Kurt lightly spoke. Sebastian gave a small, sympathetic nod.

"Come on. Let's get out of here." The warbler said standing up. Kurt followed suite. Sebastian helped Kurt out of the building.


Blaine and Sean stepped into the elevator. The blonde boy pressed the button that took them to the tenth floor. Blaine stood there with his hands in his pockets. As the elevator traveled up, Sean glanced over at Blaine, and smirked. "I've missed you...so much." He confessed. Blaine quickly turned to look at him.

"..I've missed you too." Blaine admitted. "But..I have a boyfriend you know."

Sean chuckled. "Then what are you doing here with me?" He pointed out. Before Blaine had a chance to respond, the elevator doors slide open. They stepped out and began walking down the hallway.

I shouldn't be here. I should just leave. This is a mistake. But...Sean. Why am I here with him? What about Kurt? No screw Kurt! He basically gave Sebastian a lap dance. But I still love Kurt. Then again he seemed to be getting pretty comfortable with that meerkat. Maybe just a little fuck with Sean and then I'll go...wait, what am I thinking. Blaine! What the hell! No! I'm just gonna leave. This can't happen. Blaine thought.

Sean opened the hotel room door and entered. Blaine was right behind him. The taller boy kept walking further into the room. Then Sean turned to face Blaine. He walked closer and leaned in to kiss the curly haired boy.

Oh hell no! I can't do this.

"Sean, stop! I shouldn't be here. I'm sorry. Coming here with you was a mistake. Letting you kiss me at the party was a mistake. Talking with you was a mistake. You are a mistake." Blaine began. He let out a small sigh and shook his head. " I was stupid for thinking I could still have feelings for you. I love Kurt, and now I may have ruined my whole relationship, my whole future with him. God I'm such an idiot! How could I have ignored him the entire night? I basically let him fall into Sebastian's arms. I-I have to go." Blaine quickly said. He turned on his heal and left the building. Blaine didn't even bother hailing a cab, thinking it would take to long with traffic and the amount of people in the streets. Instead, he ran all the way back to the hotel. He hopped in the elevator and rode it up to his suite. As he walked to the door, he pulled out the key card from his pocket. However it was not needed, because just as he was about to unlock it, the door was pulled open. Sebastian nearly bashed heads with Blaine.

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