Epilogue: Part 1

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Disclaimer, I don't own glee.


6 years later...

Kurt walked in the elevator taking it up to one of the top floors of the building. He walked into the boardroom and took a seat in one of the black, cushioned rolling chairs. A few of his co-workers walked in behind him. Shortly after they got situated, pulling out pens and note pads, his boss, Isabelle Wright, walked in. She went to the head of the table and smiled at everyone.

"Thank you all for attending this meeting today." Isabelle began. "As most of you already know, for this years spring catalogue we need new, fresh ideas. Something that's going to make our line special... Which is why I have decided to choose three designs from a select few of you!"

Kurt's eyes widened and a smile formed on his lips. A small chatter of excitement filled the room before Isabelle continued to speak.

"Now, these designs not only need to be original, and creative, but they need to be the best and more! So, you have until Friday to come up with three amazing designs to be featured in the catalogue.Then I will chose the best to be featured. Good luck!"

After Isabelle concluded her speech, everyone began to file out of the room. Kurt grabbed his notes and walked back to the elevator to go down to his office. He pressed the button and waited for the elevator.

"Hey, Kurt!" Someone called.     

Kurt turned around and saw his co-worker, Lance.  "Oh, hey Lance." Kurt politely smiled.

Lance Austin had dark hair and bright blue eyes. He was about the same height as Kurt, maybe even a few inches taller. Lance was a few years older than Kurt. He started working at Vogue around the same time Kurt did and they became good friends. However, Lance had a lot more then a friendship on his mind. He had feelings for Kurt, but Kurt didn't reciprocate them. Lance constantly asked him out for a dinner date, and Kurt had to keep coming up with excuse's. (Sorry, Lance but..I have to help my friend take her cat to the vet. or Tonight? Oh, sorry. I can't tonight..Sex and the city marathon. or I don't think I can do dinner tonight, sorry but my roommates will mostly have sex on my kitchen counter if I'm not home before Rachel.) Sure, Kurt could just tell Lance he didn't have feeling for him that way, but Kurt didn't want to make things awkward.

"How psyched are you about this assignment? I mean we may actually have a chance to have one of our designs created and shown in the catalogue!" Lace excitedly said. The elevator 'dinged' and the doors slid open. The two men walked in.

"Oh, I know. I can't believe Isabelle is giving us this opportunity. I have so many ideas I've been saving just in case this moment ever occurred." Kurt explained, waving his free hand around.

"Of course you do." Lance teased. "So..I was wondering if you were free tonight? Maybe we could grab dinner or something?" He asked.

The elevator doors opened as it reached their floor. They stepped out and walked towards the direction of Kurt's office.

Kurt let out an annoyed sigh."Lance, how many times do I have to tell you? I have a boyfriend."

"You're right...I'm sorry" The taller man apologized, not really meaning it.

Kurt made an awkward smile and nodded.

"Well..I'll let you get to your work then." Lance said with a smile before leaving the small office. Kurt sighed as he placed his belongings on the desk. He then sat down and opened up his laptop. He was currently working on one of the articles that needed to be up on the website by tomorrow morning. He was writing a piece on leather pants and he was having a difficult time collecting all of his thoughts into a well written article. By the time he finished, it was ten forty-eight. He re-read it before saving. He then printed it out and tucked it safely into his bag. He collected his things and turned out the light before leaving the building and walking out into the cool, crisp, night air of New York City. He took the 30 minute subway ride to his apartment in Bushwick. When he walked in he found Rachel sitting on the couch watching tv. Kurt placed his bag on one of the chairs and poured him self a cup of water.

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