Words can hurt

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disclaimer: I don't own glee.


The family all sat together in the living room. Burt was so worried, but now that Kurt was home and in his arms, he could finally calm down. Burt pulled out of the hug with his son, and gave Kurt a watery smile. Kurt gave a small one in return. Carole came over to Kurt once Burt was done reuniting with his son.

"Kurt, honey we missed you so much." Carole stated as she pulled her stepson into a bone crushing hug. Kurt winced a little at the pain from the day before, but hugged her back. He hoped that no one noticed the pain he was in. He tried to cover it up by whipping his tears and sniffling, but it didn't go unnoticed by Finn. Kurt pulled out of the hug. "Where were you and why didn't you answer your phone?" Carole asked, showing her very protective mother side.

"I'm sorry." Kurt apologized."I just had a ruff day at school, and needed to get away for a while." Kurt whispered brokenly.

"That's no excuse not to call or text us and tell us where you are!" Burt steeped in, taking the role as the protective father.

"I'm sorry dad. I know I should have called,but I wasn't really thinking about it when we left Lima." Kurt answered. Burt eyed Kurt.

"What do you me when we left Lima?" Burt asked. Kurt looked up at his father.

"A friend came with me." Kurt told Burt. His father looked at him for a while. "I think I'm just gonna go upstairs and rest for a little." Kurt told his family. Carole nodded in understatement, Finn gave a weak smile to his brother, and Burt continued to stare at his son. Kurt quickly went up in to his room and collapsed on his bed. Damn he was tired. The last thing Kurt remembered was looking out his bedroom window, before drifting into a peaceful sleep.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Blaine pulled into his driveway and walked inside his house. Once inside he threw his keys on the side table and hung up his coat. He walked into the kitchen and bumped into his father. His father looked him dead in the eye, "Where the hell were you?!" he asked in a stern tone.

"Out." Blaine vaguely answered.

"Out where?" his father questioned.

"I was helping the elderly." Blaine snarkly responded, grabbing a soda can out of the fridge.

"Bull crap Blaine. Where were you. You never came home after school?"

"None of your business!" Blaine shouted.

"It is my business, Blaine! I mean you could've at least called!" his father yelled back. Blaine laughed and took a small step closer to his dad.

"You couldn't give two shits where I was. So who the hell are you fooling?" Blaine sharply told his father. The two stared at each other for a while, until Mr. Anderson looked down. He let out a sarcastic grunt, and looked back up at his son. He clenched his fist, and swung at his sons face. Blaine stumbled back into the counter, knocking over a whine glass. Blaine cupped his jaw, and looked at the red drink spilling down the counter. He looked up to his father.

"Seriously. You were drinking again, you piece of shit." Blaine said to him.

"You better watch yourself Blaine!" Mr. Anderson yelled. Blaine rubbed his jaw.

"Don't tell me the fuck what to do! Your not the boss of me!" Blaine shouted back. Mr. Anderson walked over and punched Blaine again. Blaine wasn't going to take this shit. He swung at his dad, and soon the two were having a fist fight in the middle of the kitchen. Mrs.Anderson heard the noise and ran to the kitchen to see what was going on. Right before her eyes she saw her son and her husband having a full on fist fight.

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