Fragile Porcelain

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disclaimer, I do not own glee

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Santana Lopez sat with Brittany S.Pierce under the school bleachers when Quinn walked over.

"Well Fabray, do we have couches now or not?" Santana asked. Quinn pulled her sunglasses off of her face, and placed them on her head. She nodded.

"I talked to coach Sylvester and she said she will get us them." Quinn answered.

"Thank goodness.I'm tired of sitting on the sad dirty grass." Brittany chimed in. Santana smiled at her. Quinn smirked and looked away. She knew how Santana felt about Brittany. She was the only one she ever told. Quinn dug in her bag for a pack of cigarettes and a lighter. Just then Puck angrily threw himself onto the floor.

Quinn puffed out smoke and laughed.

"What happened now?" Santana asked.

Puck grunted. "I got detention for smoking in the bathroom."

"Wow, you got caught?" Santana questioned. Puck nodded his head. It grew silent under the bleachers, until a loud bang came from the other side of the football field. Everyone's heads turned. They saw a large group of the red and white Letterman jackets all standing together.

"What's going on?" Brittany asked.

"I don't know...." Quinn said. She threw her cigarette on the floor and put it out as she moved out from the bleachers to try and see what was happening. After a couple of more bangs, the group of jocks left. Quinn started to walk closer.

Puck pulled himself up from the floor and started walking towards Quinn. "...What is that?" He asked. Faintly in the distance they could see a bag of some sort lying on the floor. Santana and Brittany quickly hurried over to them.

"What are you guys doing." Santana asked.

"Shh." Quinn hushed her. The group walked across the filed and a little more into the woods near the dumpster. On the ground was a satchel and then there was a small grunt from inside the dumpster. Puck looked inside the dumpster and saw Kurt lying inside with large bruises all over him. His head was bleeding and he had tears rolling down his cheeks. Brittany leaned down and picked up the bag.

"Shit Kurt." Puck said. He and Santana pulled Kurt's weak body out. He could barley stand on his own to feet, so Puck had to hold onto him. Kurt and Puck don't really talk much anymore. But Puck was still friends with Finn, which meant he still felt the need to protect Kurt.

"Oh my god! Kurt are you ok?" Brittany asked. Kurt shook his head.

"All right lets get you to the nurse." Puck said. Brittany handed Puck Kurt's bag and the two headed to the building. The Unholy Trinity stood there. Santana held a very sad Brittany in her arms, and Quinn crossed hers. She looked down at her bag, and pulled out her phone. She sent Blaine a text,

Hey Blaine, Kurt needs u? Where are u?-Quinn

She put her phone back into her bag. "Ok, lets go back now." She said and started walking. The two girls followed behind.


Kurt and Puck sat in the nurses office.

"Ok, well I'm going to call your father to come pick you up-" The nurse started but was interrupted.

"No, please don't call my dad, I'll be fine." Kurt pleaded. The nurse gave him an odd look.

"Well, you need to go home and rest, so I suggest you get a friend to drive you home." The nurse told him. Kurt nodded. He picked his satchel up off the floor and swung it on his shoulder. Puck helped him out of the office and into the hall.

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