Bunny Part 2 ~Smut~

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Contains: Masturbation, Eating Out, Fingering, Riding, Sex Toys, Safe Word, Voyeurism.

///Alex's POV///

It's been a week since I told Xay about me being a Hybrid. In the past seven days, he has been treating me like I'm made of glass, thinking being a bunny has made me more delicate. Not that I'm complaining. I love the fact he carries me almost everywhere, rubbing my lower back and stroking my ears. 

I've also noticed he shamelessly takes pictures of me. He promised me he wasn't posting them online or sending them to his friends. 

I am loving this attention, almost wish I stayed a Hybrid longer.

I looked over and saw Xavier walk up to me to pick me up.

I wrapped my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck as he walked into our bedroom, indicating it was time for bed.

Although, I've also noticed he hasn't made any intimate moves with me as a Hybrid so far. The only time he's cum this month was the day I told him. I've cleaned myself thoroughly every day, hoping he would do something but nothing ever happened.

Thinking back to that, I planned out in my head different things we could do tonight.

He set me down on the bed and climbed in beside me. Guess not...

///Xavier's POV///

I set my bunny down on our bed and climbed in beside him, wrapping the soft, fluffy blankets around his delicate body.

His body.

His small waist fits perfectly into my hands, and his cute ass he says is small but it's bigger than all the females I've ever met. He has a soft belly that he hates because he says he's getting chubby, but he isn't. He's perfect.

I was brought out of my thoughts when Alex curled up into my chest.

I've noticed this. He tucks into a little ball with space for my arms to rest around him. When I hold him, his ears relax and rest on his head, making him look sad, but instead, he's just sleeping. 

"Goodnight, bunny. I love you so much."

I felt him smile and snuggle more into me as he whispered,

"I love you too, Xay," and slowly fall asleep in my arms.

I continued thinking about my bunny as I cuddled him, slowly moving southward toward his more private areas. 

It's been so long since we did anything intimate. But I didn't want to make him uncomfortable in his "bunny form". 

Even though I didn't want it to happen, I felt my dick harden, yearning to be slammed into my boyfriend's tight hole. I felt it straining against my boxers, wishing to be released.

I looked down to see if Alex noticed. When I saw his eyes closed and mouth slightly agape and heard the soft snores coming from the boy, I knew he was asleep.

I took this opportunity to slip out of his hold and lie on my back, staring up at the ceiling.

Running my hand down my body, I felt the shapes of my faint abs and v-line until I stopped at the growing bulge in between my legs.

I slipped my hand inside my boxers and stroked my twitching cock. It felt so good. I hadn't done this in so long.

I sped up my hand, wanting to finish quickly so I could wash up and continue cuddling my bunny. But also from wanting to feel the sensational feeling of releasing again.

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