Aftercare ~Smut+Fluff~

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Contains: Overstimulation, Safeword, Anal Sex. 

///Alex's POV///

Xavier slapped his hips into my ass, thrusting into my prostate.

"AHH~ Mmn~ NGH~"

I couldn't stop moaning; he wouldn't stop pounding. We'd been going on for so long.

With a scream-like moan, I came again. Even now, Xay won't stop.

I felt my now flaccid dick begin to harden again.

He slammed so hard into me, I saw stars. He let go of my bruised hips and grabbed both my wrists and put them over my head. My face was pressed up against the mattress and my ass was in the air.

He sucked and bit at the back of my neck and shoulders and groaned,

"I'm so close, bunny~"

He pounded sloppily into me a few more times before filling me to the brim with his hot cum. I came dry and moaned at the warm feeling inside me. I'd never felt so full.

He kept going; I could feel his dick harden again. The overstimulation was finally becoming too much for me.

We'd been going on for hours. I've come so many times, I've lost count. Xay's going really hard on me and isn't showing signs of stopping anytime soon. I don't want to come dry again.

No more, please!

"B-blue~" I whispered.

Xavier pulled out with a terrified gasp and I immediately flop on the bed, relaxing my fucked-out body.

He rushed over to my side and cupped my face. My cheeks felt hot and wet--probably from my tears. I cried more once the pain finally hit me like a hammer hitting a nail. 

"Oh my god! Bunny! No, no, no... Alex..."

He picked me up and cradled me in his arms. I sobbed harder from the pressure on my bum.

He had a guilty look on his face and was starting to tear up when he saw how much pain I was in.

"I'm so sorry, Alex... Bunny..."

He set me down on the bed and rushed into the bathroom.

///Xavier's POV///

No, no, no, no!! This is all my fault... Alex is in so much pain because of me.

I rushed to the bathroom and turned on the hot water for the bath. Then ran back into the bedroom to see Alex gasping for breath before breaking into a sob.

I picked him up cautiously and carried him to the bath. I sat him down in the hot tub before I turned off the water.

He seemed to relax slightly in the warmth so I apologized over and over again, kissing his head in between.

"I'm sorry, *kiss* I'm sorry, *kiss* I'm sorry," I muttered remorsefully.

His crying softened but was still apparent.

I kissed his lips and to my relief, he tenderly kissed back. He broke the kiss with a sob and sniffed.

I felt my heart break as I held him close to me. An idea popped into my head about how I could make him happier.


He pressed into my chest as an acknowledgment.

"Is it okay if I go make something for you? I want to apologize."

He waited a few seconds before nodding subtly.

"Okay. I love you so much. I'll be back as soon as I can."

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