Naughty Angel ~Smut~

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Contains: Angels, Demons, Submissive Top, Dominant Bottom, Blowjob, Overstimulation, Anal Sex, Riding, Rim Job.

(This is an AU (Alternate Universe) meaning it does not contradict with the real storyline. Enjoy.)

///Xavier's POV///


I heard someone calling my name, so I turned around to see my friend, Andrew, waving at me.

I stopped walking to let him catch up.

"Hey, Andy. What's up?"

"I just wanted to tell you there was a lost intern here and he had some trouble earlier purifying a soul. Can you go check on him?"

I nodded and stretched out my wings, flying off.

I looked down at Earth below.

Humans didn't look up at me, as they couldn't see me.

I saw a boy around my age with cream-colored wings struggling to lead a soul away from the grips of a demon.

He was beautiful and I wanted to swoon over him longer, but that soul was really in danger.

I swooped down and landed gracefully, holding my hand out and causing the soul to glow.

It looked at its body in wonder and looked up to see me.

I walked up to it slowly and rested my forehead against theirs. We both closed our eyes and the soul faded slowly, floating its way to Heaven.

The intern Guardian looked at me with wonder and admiration.

"Wow! Mentor, how did you do that?!"

He grabbed my hands and stared at my palms as if looking for something.

I looked at him, confused.

"I'm sorry, I'm not your mentor. But if they aren't here, what are you doing?"

He seemed to panic a little so I reassured him,

"Don't worry, if they don't show up, I'm free to teach you."

He nodded and noticed something behind me.

"There's another soul over there!" he said, pointing to the sidewalk across the city street.

I smiled and held out my hand.

"Come with me, I'll show you."

He took my hand with a small blush, which I'll admit was adorable, but I had a job to do so I couldn't compliment him on it.

"Fly or walk slowly to the soul. They're frightened."

To show this, I walked with a comforting smile on my face over to the soul. It was a little girl. She looked as though she'd been crying recently.

"When you reach the soul, you concentrate on their life force and find all that is good in them."

I held out my hand and she glowed brightly.

"The brighter they glow, the more innocent and good they were."

I walked and knelt down to her as she admired her luminescent skin.

As I touched my forehead with hers, I continued lecturing,

"You make contact with the soul and they will be connected to your thoughts. They'll feel something deep inside and somehow know what to do. No one knows what they see or hear, so it will forever remain a mystery."

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