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Contains: Hair Pulling, Blowjob, Fingering, Anal Sex, Daddy Kink, Choking.

///Third Person POV///

Alex sits lazily on the couch in the living room, Isbo curled on his lap. Watching a random Netflix show has been what he's been doing recently since he's already graded his student's recent tests and Xavier has been away for a book signing. 

Alex misses his fiance a lot, having known him for his whole life, he hated when they were ever apart.

Xavier is due to come home to Alex any minute now, having been gone for a week. Alex is full of excitement. 

The sound of keys jingling snap him out of his thoughts. 

Jumping up, and Isbo leaping off his lap, Alex sprints to the front door, pulling it open before the man on the other side has a chance.

Alex comes eye to eye with Xavier. His blue eyes were darker than usual, making him look slightly intimidating. Along with his hot, messy black hair and slight stubble, the massive grin on his face made up for his worn-out look. 

Xavier was still wearing his black suit, his white shirt tucked into his pants. 

The smaller man leaps into his fiance's arms, causing him to drop his jacket and keys with a laugh. 

Xavier wraps his arms around his lover, holding him up by his bare thighs as he's only wearing boxers and a hoodie. 

Alex clings to his neck with his legs around the brunette's waist. Xavier buries his face in Alex's soft hair, smelling the comforting scent of home.

"Hi, Bunny," Xavier says softly, "I've missed you."

Alex gives a small kiss to where his face is buried in Xavier's neck before looking up to meet eyes with his. Xavier drops him to the floor, still holding his waist with a soft grip.

"Hey..." Alex giggles, slightly blushing.

Xavier's face beams with fondness. 

"I missed you so much, Xay," he stated, staring lovingly into the older man's eyes. 

Xavier just hummed, voice coming out lower than intended. 

Alex's heart skipped a beat. 

Xavier averts his gaze from Alex's loving eyes down to his lips. Xavier loves his Bunny's lips, how plump and pink they are. How good they look wrapped around him. 

Alex stares intently at Xavier, as he licks his lips slowly. The smaller man realized how close they are when his chest presses flush against Xavier's, arms still wrapped tightly around his neck.

Xavier wastes no more time before capturing his Bunny in a passionate kiss, cupping the side of his face with his palm. Their lips move in sync as the two men take in each other's presence.

Alex tangles his fingers in Xavier's black locks that are nearly reaching the bottom of his neck. 

Alex loves when Xavier grows his hair out. He thinks the fluffiness mixed with the slight curl at the ends is prettier. As well as having a better grip on it in bed.

Alex hums slightly when Xavier's grip on his hips tightens, fingers pressing into his sides. He nibbles slightly on Xavier's bottom lip, begging for entrance. 

Xavier smiles into the kiss at the small man's eagerness, opening his mouth slightly as he feels the wet tongue of his lover dance along with his own.

Xavier is interrupted from his make-out session by a meow coming from below them, and a brush against his leg. He separates from Alex, a line of spit connecting their lips. 

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