Who? ~Smut~

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Contains: Riding, Anal Sex, Denied Release, Sex Toys, Spanking, Voyeurism. 

///Third Person POV///

Xavier and Alex had just finished a pleasure-filled session and Alex was fucked out. 

Xavier stood and walked to their bathroom and turned on the faucet, letting the warm water fill the bathtub. He placed the bubble bath soap on the side of the tub because he knew it made Alex happy, feeling the cloud-like foam tickle his body.

He walked into the bedroom to see Alex breathing heavily on the bed. He was still in the same position Xavier had left him in. Face in a pillow, arms tied behind his back, ass in the air. God, he looked hot.

"Gosh, bunny. You look so fuckable like this," Xavier said as he untied his bunny's wrists.

Alex relaxed his body and flopped down on the bed.

"I wouldn't *gasp* mind a--*gasp*--another round. *gasp*" Alex breathed out.

"As much as I would love that, you are way too exhausted to cum another three times. I bet you wouldn't even remember your name afterward."

'He's right,' Alex thought. 'Wow, what would it feel like not remembering my name?'

Alex thought of different things Xavier could do to him to make him forget his name. Or... maybe the other way around...?

Xavier flipped Alex over on the bed and was about to pick him up when he saw Alex was hard again.

"Bunny..." Xavier looked at Alex and saw him smile mischievously. "Bunny, no."

Alex sat up and wiggled his ass.

"Bunny, no!" Xavier was about to pick him up by force when Alex leaped onto him and they both tumbled to the floor.

Alex kissed Xavier's lips sloppily and grinded his body down onto him.

Xavier giggled in protest but then pushed Alex off him and said, "Fine!! Just give me a second!!" while laughing.

"Yes!!" Alex threw his arms up in victory.

As Xavier went into the bathroom to turn off the faucet, Alex walked over to their closet and grabbed some toys for Xavier.

Xavier walked back into the bedroom and looked around for his bunny.

"Alex? Where'd you--"

He was interrupted by Alex tackling him from behind onto the bed. Alex immediately grabbed his wrists and handcuffed them to the bedpost.

"Alex!? Alex, wait! No, no, no! We-we can do what you want! I'll be gentle! Alex, no!" Xavier squirmed but to no avail.

Alex ran his hands down Xavier's sides and kissed his stomach.

Xavier shivered.

"A-Alex~ N-no~" Xavier stuttered.

"You want me to stop? I'll stop. You just have to say the magic word~" Alex cooed.

Xavier looked away but stayed quiet.

Alex lifted himself over Xavier's dick and rubbed the tip at his entrance.


He lowered himself while rocking his hips slowly.

Xavier repositioned himself, causing Alex to lose his balance and fall down Xavier's cock.


"Heh heh," Xavier laughed.

Alex rolled his eyes, regained control, and moved around to find his prostate. When he found it, he made himself feel good by abusing it.

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