Desperate ~Smut~

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Contains: Masturbating, Blowjob, Sex Toys, Fingering, Jerking Off, Degrading, Masochism, Spanking, Overstimulation, Anal Sex.

(This contains people enjoying receiving painful actions. If you are not comfortable with that sort of BDSM, I'm giving viewer discretion. Just looking out for you guys.)

///Third Person POV///

Finals were coming up and Xavier was looking over his notes and reviewing everything he could remember.

He rubbed his temples with his fingers and pounded his fist into his forehead.

"Come on, Xavier. What are litotes?"

He thought harder, trying to remember the class he learned them was about.

"Negative, but ironic understatements!"

He flipped his flashcard and sighed in relief as he put it on top of the pile next to him.

'Maybe that's enough studying for now,' he thought.

He stood up from his desk and stretched. There were a few pops and cracks that felt good to get out of his back.

"Bunny..." he mumbled.

He cleaned up all his flashcards, drafts of his previous essays, and notes to remind him of past mistakes and how to write better and put them in his bag, keeping everything neat to not get them lost.

He walked out of their bedroom and into the living room to see Alex studying hard. He had a half-empty cup of coffee next to him. 

Xavier walked up to Alex and hugged him from behind.

"Hey, Bunny."

Alex acknowledged him with a hum and a nuzzle to his neck.

He took the mug into the kitchen to refill it when Alex called out to him,


Xavier turned around and asked what was up.

"How much longer will you be studying?"

He scratched the back of his neck and said,

"Maybe another hour? Why?"

Alex looked down at his crotch and whimpered,

"I want you~"

Xavier looked awkwardly at his boyfriend.

"I'm sorry, Bunny. You know we need to study. How about tonight?"

Alex whined again and shook his head.

"No! I need you now!"

Xavier sighed and continued his way to the kitchen. He refilled the coffee mug with Alex's coffee combo. Then set it on Alex's desk.

"Later, Bunny. I promise."

///Two Hours Later///

///Xavier's POV///

It's been two hours and I just now realized I'd not had my way with Alex.

But something was off.

I get up and put away my notebooks. Then walked out of the bedroom to see Alex humming a song at his desk.

He didn't seem to notice it'd been longer than I promised.

I walked into the living room and plopped down on the couch, gazing at my oblivious boyfriend.

"...late nights in the middle of June~ Heatwaves been fakin' me out. Can't make you happier now~" he sang softly.


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