Cold ~Fluff~

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///3rd Person POV///

Alex and Xavier were just walking along the beach, enjoying each other's company. It was a cloudy, gloomy day, so no one was on the beach. Just how they liked it. With no people around to possibly judge them, they could give their undivided attention to each other.

They walked hand in hand and occasionally nudged the other's arm to try and make them lose their balance.

After a while, Alex stopped and picked up a shell half buried in the sand. It was orange and yellow, that blended to create the small visual of a sunset.

He put it in his jean pocket, ran to catch up to his boyfriend who'd left him behind, and continued walking.

///Xavier's POV///

Alex came running in the cold, damp sand behind me and pulled out a shell from his pocket.

"Whacha got there, bunny?" I asked while taking the shell from his hands. 

"It looks like a s-sunset," Alex said. I noticed the stutter in his voice and gave it back to him.

"It's pretty. You gonna keep it?"

When he took it back from me, I felt his hands. They were as cold as ice cubes!

He nodded. Then shivered a little.

I stopped and started to take off my hoodie.

"N-No! You'll get c-cold!" Alex declined my help.

I took it off and pulled it over my boyfriend's cold, frail body. He looked unhappy, but immediately relaxed when he was engulfed in warmth.

///Alex's POV///

Even though Xavier doesn't listen to me, I love him all the same. He was so sweet. And he cared about me.

We continued walking and he later stated,

"Hey, it's getting late, and it's just gonna get colder. Let's head home."

I nodded, my teeth starting to chatter.

I think he noticed this because he wrapped an arm around me and pulled me closer.

///At Home///

Xavier leaves me sitting on the couch and walks into the kitchen.

"Okay, bunny. Do you want dark or milk chocolate cocoa?" He called out to me.

Aww, he was making me hot cocoa. I love him.

"Milk!" I reply happily.

After a few minutes, he calls out again,

"Whipped cream or marshmallows?"

"Whipped cream!"

Another few minutes.

"Sprinkles or cinnamon?"

"Sprinkles, please!"

He came back with the most delicious mugs of hot cocoa I've ever seen—mine with fluffy cream and chocolate sprinkles, and his with marshmallows and cinnamon spice.

Once he set them down on the coffee table in our living room, he grabbed a fuzzy blanket and wrapped it around me. Then grabbed the TV remote and flipped through the shows.

He chose a show I had commented on at the beach and snuggled me.

Xay pulled me close and kissed me all over my face, making me giggle.

"Pick a number, one through a hundred," he whispered.


"Seventy-seven kisses it is," he grinned.

He kissed my lips softly, gradually becoming more and more rough and sloppy.

When he finally pulled away, finally letting me breathe, he whispered in my ear lowly,


I stared at him in shock.

"That was one kiss?! If we do that seventy-seven times, I won't be able to feel my face!"

He pulled me closer and whispered into my ear,

"I never said it had to be on the lips~"

He brought his hand down my body, brushing over my already hardened nipples and landing it on my semi-hard dick.

I blushed a deep shade of red.

He moved to my neck and sucked my soft spot until there was a dark purple hickey in its place.


He moved lower and kissed me again.

At this point, I had completely ignored and forgotten all about the movie I had begged Xavier to watch with me. Like, literally begged.

I was on my knees, looking up at him with my big bunny eyes, and pleaded for him to watch it with me.

When he finally agreed at the beach, I was so excited, I jumped into his arms and ended up making him topple over.

Now, here we were, making out on the couch, not watching the movie. I think this was his way of getting out of it.

It was working too.

///Thirty Minutes Later///

When seventy-six kisses were done, Xavier pulled away and sighed happily to see the TV had been turned off from not being used for a certain amount of time.

I, on the other hand, was breathing as if I had just run a marathon.

He gave me hickeys in places I didn't even know were possible! Let's just say, he left them in places only he was allowed access to.

I was naked under Xavier, who was fully clothed and gazing into my eyes.

I had released twice while he didn't even become hard! How does he do that?!

He kissed me on the lips, filled with admiration and love. Not like the others he'd given me moments before. Those were lustful and full of want.

He pulled away, gasping for air,


We stayed in that position for another minute or so, just looking at each other's eyes, both seeing the beauty the other refused to believe.

We get it. We're stubborn.

But we love each other all the same.

///Xavier's POV///

I pulled Alex close to me. He was surprised, that's for sure.

He hesitantly hugged me back,

"Xay? Are you okay?"

I hugged him tighter and nodded, putting my face in the crook of his neck.

"I'm just so happy, that's all."

He stroked my hair and muttered, 

"You're laying in my cum you know that?"

I shot up, seeing the sticky strings hang onto my shirt.


Alex laughed. 

///The End///

Author's Note: Finally another fluff!! Too much thought goes into the smuts, so I'm taking a break. Also, I haven't asked this of you for the other one-shots, but could you vote my episodes? They make me have more confidence in writing for more people. 

Word Count: 930. 

Requests: ------>

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