Toys ~Smut~

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Contains: Masturbation, Bondage, Sex Toys, Overstimulation, Anal Sex, Cock Warming, Safeword.

///Third Person///

Alex was feeling needy. He wanted to have sex with Xavier, but he was out shopping. He knew the rule was 'you can't please yourself without permission' but Alex wasn't going to please himself. He was going to let the sex toys please him for him.

To Alex, it was a foolproof plan. Xavier wouldn't be back for the next hour or so.

Alex walked over to the closet and grabbed the black box in the corner. He walked over to his and Xavier's bed and opened it.

He grabbed a long, purple, vibrating dildo. 

He walked over to the bedside table and opened the drawer to grab the bottle of lube. He poured a generous amount onto the toy.

He took off all his clothes and got on his knees and laid his head on a pillow. He reached behind him and pressed the rubber to his entrance.

The cold lube made him shiver and whine softly.

Alex hesitated. He wasn't scared of the size, the dildo couldn't even compare to Xavier. But Xavier was always there to comfort him at this part and make him relax--unless he was mad, but Alex loved that side of Xavier too.

Alex pushed his thoughts aside and pushed the tip in. Alex let out a shaky sigh. Then he just said, "Fuck it." and shoved the rest in.

"AHH~" Alex let out a scream-like moan. 

He grabbed the remote and set it to two. Alex moaned again when the vibrations came to life. Alex gripped the bedsheets and pulled the dildo until it was just the tip and slammed it back inside, repeating this process.

"AHH~ Ahh~ Oh my--Ngh~" Alex was a mess already.

He picked up the remote again and bumped it up three more settings, still thrusting the dildo in and out of himself. 

Before, you could barely hear the vibrations, but now, if you eliminated Alex's screaming, the buzzing was very noticeable.

Alex was close so he grabbed the remote one last time and knocked it up two more clicks, putting it on the highest setting.

Alex's knuckles turned white from how hard he was gripping the sheets. Drool and tears were staining the pillow he was laying on.

Alex was gasping and moaning. He scream-moaned into the pillow when he came.

He turned off the dildo and flopped down, sighing in relief. The gasped when he heard,

"Bunny, I'm home!!"

Xavier was back.

'Shit!' Alex thought. He stuffed the box under the bed and covered his body with the blanket.

Xavier was walking up the stairs and opened the door just in time for Alex to look like he'd been sleeping.

But while Alex was hurrying around, he accidentally pressed the vibrator to six.

"Hey, bunny. Are you asleep?" Xavier whispered and pet his soft hair.

"Mh-mmn~" Alex tried to say no but ended up moaning softly.

Xavier's brows furrowed. Alex moaning? He looked at the closet to see the door was open and their "box of fun" was missing.

Xavier sighed and pulled off the blankets to see Alex, squirming with a dildo shoved up his ass.

"H-Hey... You're h-home..." Alex whimpered.

Xavier was not amused. He grabbed the dildo remote and walked over to the closet to put his shoes away.

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